Chapter 5

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The next day, Serena and her father arrived at the restaurant as promised to Mr. Alexander Anderson. 

Mr. Samuel Evans ushered Serena to go forward and introduced her to Master Alexander Anderson, "Master Alexander, this is my daughter, Serena Evans, Owner of SK Clothing Brand."

Alexander's hair was white, and his face has wrinkles since he was in his seventies, overall he looked kind and amiable. He looked at Serena with an elderly gentle smile. "I know, And she is also the one who runs twenty NGOs' under her company's name...truly commendable, Take a seat child." 

Mr. Samuel coughed softly and shook his head. "You are right, I am blessed to have an angel as my daughter who is not only beautiful but also kind and dedicated what she does." He praised Serena to which she scoffed.

They placed their orders and started their talk. Mr. Alexander seems nice, He was warm and welcoming, treating her as his own granddaughter, But she really doesn't know how and why he selected her for his grandson. The lunch ran out smoothly. Fortunately no one forced her to talk much unless it's about her  and for the rest they talked about their wedding asking her opinion from time to time to which she agreed whatever they selected, It's not like she cares anyway, She is doing this all for the things her father promised her to give...As long as she can get those things, She is ready to even scarifies herself.




At Anderson Group of Companies Headquarters',

In the CEO's office of the Anderson Corporation at 66th floor, the man who was working behind the desk had a cold, handsome face. His gaze was sharp, and his eyebrows were subtly menacing. The bridge of his nose was high, and his lips were distinct. He was unapproachable.

When Henry pushed open the door and entered, the man only cast him a cold glance before continuing to work. Henry did not mind. He sat down on the sofa and announced, "Hey Bro! Why didn't you come to my pool party yesterday?" 

"I don't have time for these foolish things, I have my work to do unlike someone fooling around all day." Ethan said in a mocking tone.

"You work all day without caring about anyone around you...tsk...tsk...I really pity Serena...Such a beautiful and innocent flower is going to be destroyed by a beast like you...your grandfather told me that he fixed your marriage with her." He says leaning back in his chair while remembering his business meeting where he met Serena Evans for the first time...the most mysterious and interesting girl ever.

"Serena?" Ethan asks.

"Woah! Don't tell me you don't even know the name of your soon to be bride?! What the hell! Ethan, Seriously bro, If you don't want to marry, Just say no this marriage. There are already lots of men ready to marry her...that includes me as well. I will take care of her more than you. Aren't you even curious about the girl you are going to get married?!" 

'Serena' Ethan whisper testing her name as he rolled off his lips smoothly. Well, the girl has a nice name. 

"I met her once last month during a business meeting. All the girls there were trying to smooch off to someone rich or famous, She was the only one...seating in corner enjoying her wine peacefully. Every men there looking at her...wanting to get close to her but no one dared because of her cold demure, I got to know about her from others that she is not only a successful business owner but also runs dozens of NGOs' under her companies name and on every weekends, She goes to meet one of her NGOs to meet the people and to inspect its running, That day she became a living goddess in my eyes." Henry frankly spoke about his feelings to Ethan. They always speak their hearts to each other without hiding anything since their childhood, They both have been best friends since their childhood, So there is no need to hide anything from his best buddy and he is also happy for Ethan that he is going to get a girl like Serena Evans in his life as his bride. Henry is sure that Serena will change his friend for the better.

"If you like her this much, Why don't you marry her?" Ethan said flipping through his documents.

""I would have if I had a chance but I know I am not destined but you best friend and I am happy for you. At least you are going to give me my most favorite sister in law." 

"What is so great in this girl, Everyone seems to love her..." Ethan thought.

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Happy reading ❤️




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