Chapter 41

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"Let's go." After having their dinner, Ethan invited her to go somewhere else with him, He said it is surprise as well. So now they are going to their other adventure of love. 

"Wait, let me open the door for you," Skipping his steps, Ethan smoothly opened the passenger seat for her like a gentleman with a smile on his lips.

Slightly raising her fleek brows, Serena said, "thanks..." before she entered his car. She watched Ethan jogged over the other side and from her point of view, Ethan's aura was bright but at the same time, there's something in him that she often noticed but until now, she could not explain what it is. When he entered and settled in the driver's seat, Ethan glanced at her inexpressive front down to the seatbelt. Seeing that she did buckle up this time, he smiled before he inquired.

"Ready for our date?"

"Hmm," Biting her lower lip, Serena hummed with a slight nod that made Ethan smiled even more. He started his car engine and before he could start driving, he laid his hand opened near her side.

"What?" Arching her brows as she moved her gaze to him, she saw him briefly raised his brows as his eyes smiled.

"Let's hold hands." Without a second hesitation, he requested while his fingers slightly waved as if waiting for her to fill the gaps in between his fingers. Seeing that she wasn't moving, he persuaded;

"Love, let's play --" However, before he could finish his sentence, Serena slid her hands onto his. This treat obviously startled him as he didn't expect her to agree without giving her a good reason.

"No problem," She said before a smirk formed on the side of her lips. He looked at her as she smiled on him while her dark brown hair was put on the other side. Just this view made his heart go crazy as his eyes were deceiving him!

'Why does she looked as if she was flirting back? Ugghh! I need my eyes checked!' Unbeknownst to Serena, her date's mind was momentarily in haywire as his heart raced by her sudden 'coquettish' eyes.

He blinked and blinked several times but her expression was still there! Her flirtatious smirked that was tempting him and whenever her lashes slowly fluttered, he just wanted to watch her looking at him like this!

"Hmm? Something wrong?" Slightly tilting her head on the side, Serena's tone wasn't as dry like she normally sounded but it was rather... playful; as if she knew his sudden dilemma.

'Uh... is this what they call seduction?' His mind snapped as this thought hovered on his mind yet, the question was stuck on his throat and was gulped down when he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"No, it was nothing, hehe" Instead of speaking his mind, Ethan found an excused as he closed his fingers while their hands were intertwined.

"Sure, its nothing..." Shrugging, Serena whispered her humor but she made it audible enough for him to hear.

'I'm busted! I'm busted!' He panicked inwardly. Fortunately, his riotous feelings caused by her sudden change didn't take much effect on the surface... or at least to others but not to her.

"Let's go. The place where I want to take you is a little far. So, we will have to leave now."


—  — — — —

It was almost in the night when they reached the place. The whole way, Serena kept on asking for some hints, but he didn't give any. Waiting patiently was her only option.

Ethan said, "Alright, close your eyes now."


"Yes. It's a surprise, remember?"

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