"The Beginning."

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One quiet night, in Linkon City. There is a mysterious hero named Lumiere, he was patrolling around the city because there is many reports about missing valuable, terrorism and many more.

Lumiere was a really known hero in Linkon City who works under Arutala organization.

This is the second night he was patrolling because of the terrorist attack. Yesterday night was peaceful and there is no sign of a terrorist. But this night was different.

Suddenly there is an explosion near the place he patrol. The explosion were coming from a bank. Lumiere quickly rushed to that bank and saw the terrorist ran away after exploding and robbing the bank.

Lumiere quickly chase the terrorist using his light evol and appeared in front of that terrorist. The terrorist pulls out her gun and points it at Lumiere. The terrorist was Eileen, the most wanted person in Linkon right now.

Lumiere:"Surrender now... Or else.", says Lumiere threatening the terrorist, Eileen.

Eileen:"Or else what? are you going to kill me?"

Eileen doesn't seems to be scared of Lumiere at all. It was more like the terrorist was challenging Lumiere.

Eileen pulls the gun trigger and Lumiere dodged it. Lumiere charge toward the terrorist with his sword and a battle can't be avoided.

Eileen was a pretty good fighter that Lumiere was impressed by her fighting skill.

And after a while Eileen accidently stumble upon a stone and fell down sitting. Lumiere direct his sword to Eileen's neck.

Eileen:"Alright, i give up."

Lumiere:"Not bad."

Eileen:"Thanks, but i was just joking."


Eileen pulls out round shaped item and throw it to the ground. And when it hits the ground it release a really thick smoke.


Eileen:"May we meet again, hero of Linkon city!", she said while dissapearing out of Lumiere's sight in the middle of the night in Linkon city.

Eileen managed to ran from Lumiere's grip. It was pretty disappointing for Lumiere especially when he was known for his award of caughting many wanted people and slaying wanderers. but Lumiere was pretty interested in Eileen's skills.



A few days had passed and wanderers suddenly starts to become more aggressive than usual, Lumiere was kind of exhausted after fighting that many wanderers. And then one day a wanderer managed to injure Lumiere and destroyed Lumiere's mask. The wanderer grip Lumiere's neck and throw Lumiere to a nearby wall.

Lumiere was about to faint, but before he lost his full consciousness he saw a woman that approach him and he felt like he was being lifted by that woman after then he doesn't really know what would happen because he lost his consciousness.

After a few hours, Lumiere is finally awake. He looked around the place he is in right now, Lumiere stand up and cautiously observe the place.

Lumiere:"Where is this place?..."

He went to the door and was going to open it, but before that happened the door handle opened and Lumiere was prepared in case of an attack, the person behind the door was the woman that saved him, the woman knows that Lumiere is trying to defend himself, so she tried to assure Lumiere that she means no harm and just wanted to help Lumiere.

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