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Eileen:"How come they know that we're here?"

Xavier:"No idea, looks like we should left more early now."

Eileen:"Let's go now."

Before the CEL group arrived both of them run away first. Not a long time later, both of them hears a familiar melodies... It was Luke's.

The CEL group had gotten their location from Liam quicker and blocked their way.

Ezliott:"You guys can't go anywhere."

Xavier and Eileen can no longer move and was freezed on the spot. Ezliott quickly uses his chain to tie both of them.

After that both Xavier and Eileen were dragged to their car and taken to the headquarters.

Even if they're no longer in the effect of Luke's melodies they can't escape because there's Camille besides them that can knock both of them down in an instant.

Xavier looked at Eileen and it turns out that Eileen's hands were no longer chained. She was just pretending. The way to break free from the chain are simple remember, Ezliott chains rust easily.

Quietly and slowly, Eileen helps Xavier to break free from his chain. Camille sometimes checks on them but she didn't find anything that's suspicious.

Coincidentally, Ezliott notices that Luke keeps touching his ears with a really annoyed looks, so Ezliott ask if Luke needs to go to the nearest pharmacy.

Ezliott:"Luke you alright? Do you need to go to the pharmacy?"

Luke nods.

Ezliott:"Alright then."

Camille:"Did you forgot about your ear medicine Luke? It was pretty rare for you to do so."

Luke:"I didn't forget it, i just didn't have the time to buy it."

Camille:"I see, but do you think it's worth it to sacrifice your hearing to music melodies?"

Eileen:"(Sacrifice hearing to music melodies? Could it be...)"

Luke:"I don't really mind as long as it yields something."


After arriving at the pharmacy Luke and Ezliott gets off the car, Ezliott was smoking and Luke went in to get his ear medicine.

Camille was just looking at Ezliott outside the car. Xavier and Eileen looks at each other and knock Camille down, after that both of them tie Camille using Ezliott chain.

Eileen:"Let's knock the other one too."

Xavier:"Yeah, we should go quickly."

They sneak out of the car and hit Ezliott using a pebble, Ezliott turns his back and saw nothing but when he's about to continue what he's doing, his neck got entangled with chain.

Before Ezliott could do anything, Xavier tighten the chain. Ezliott was about to use his evol to take a blade from his pocket but eventually he fall unconscious first.

Luke just got out of the pharmacy and saw Ezliott who's knocked down on the ground. He dashes to see Ezliott and Camille conditions both of them were unconscious with chains near them.


He was going to take his violin but there's a bullet that's nearly hit him. Eileen managed to get her weapon back.

Luke looked up and there's Xavier that attacks him from above, Luke quickly dodges.

Luke:"(They're really good at escaping.)"

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