"Always By Your Side."

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Liam:"Let's see, what should we do first? Stab or scratch?"

Liam grabs Eileen's hand and scratch it a few times after that he stabbed Eileen's hand.

Eileen was screaming in pain, it triggered Xavier so much that he started to struggle trying to break free from the chain.

Liam:"A beautiful nail you go there."

Eileen:"LET GO OFF ME!", she said with a terrified tone, afraid about what's Liam going to do next.

Liam:"Well i don't want to.", Liam started to pull Eileen's nail.

Eileen:"S-STOP IT!"

Liam pretend not to hear what Eileen just said and just hums a song.

Before he could really pulls her nails off, suddenly there's some problems with the electricity in the headquarters so Liam went out to check it out.

Liam:"Wait right here, i'll be back very quick."

Liam went out, Eileen pull off Liam's blade and gets closer to Xavier.

Eileen:"Xavier...", she caresses his face with her other hands.

Eileen opened the thing that covers Xavier's mouth.

Xavier:"Eil... I'm sorry."

Eileen:"It's okay Xavier... It's okay, it's not your fault."

Xavier:"But i failed to protect you..."

Eileen:"You did enough..."

Xavier:"Eileen, do you think... The sun will accept the moon's feeling for her?"

Eileen:"... Definitely."

Xavier:"Then... Will you accept me? My sun?"

Eileen:"With whole of my heart, my moon."

Eileen lean her face closer to Xavier and kisses him.

Eileen:"It's my fault for dragging you to my personal problem. I also hope that the guy i adore most will have the best life even without me."

What is a moon without a sun? A normal satellite with nothing to be proud of, guess the supernova took a really important star this time.

Eileen:"Please take care of yourself."

Eileen uses all of her energy to help Xavier ran away for the last time. The tight chain loosen and Xavier can move freely now.

Xavier:"Let's just run away now Eileen! Before he came back."

Eileen:"I can't...", she shows her left wrist that's all bloody, there was some sort of a device that can explode her body in an instant.

Xavier:"What?... This device..."

Eileen nods. Xavier tries to help Eileen to takes off the device but it was too hatd to see especially because it was dark.

Eileen:"It's okay Xavier, escape now! Before they came back."

Xavier:"I can't leave you behind."

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