"Love or Duty?"

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Lumiere teleported in front of Eileen and managed to cut her sleeves. Lumiere looked at Eileen's wrist and there was something that made him surprised.

The sun bracelet he gave to Rebecca was on her wrist.

Lumiere:"... Rebecca? Is that you?"

Eileen:"H-huh?! What do you mean? Who's Rebecca?"

Lumiere shows his necklace to Eileen, and it's also surprised Eileen.

Eileen:"You're... Xavier?"

Lumiere:"You're right...", he opens his mask for a few moments and put his mask back on.

Lumiere:"Why would you do this Rebecca?"

Eileen:"You know damn well why i did all of this, also stop calling me Rebecca, it's not even my real name."

Lumiere:"I know you're one of those underprivileged residents, but you know you can do other jobs beside this right?"

Eileen:"I know but do you think they'll accept me? A filthy woman from the abandoned district?!", she laughed.


At the same time, CEL group arrived and Camille (the thunderbolt evolver) zapped Eileen.

The lightning succeed to knocked Eileen's down. Camille was about to approach her but Lumiere signal not to move attack anymore.

Ezliott tied Eileen up with his chains using his telekinesis and tighten it.

Lumiere:"Loosen it a bit.", he said with a strict tone, and Ezliott loosen the tie a bit.

Luke:"I suppose, we should get going now?"

Lumiere:"... Yeah."

All of them went back to the headquarters while Lumiere was looking doubtful. There's something that kind of disturbs him, which one should he choose? Someone he loves or his duties?


They arrived at the headquarters and they put Eileen in the cell room.

Lumiere was still anxious and finally after a long time thinking he took an action to... Betray Liam. There's just something that made him can't let Eileen passed away, especially he was indebted to Eileen for saving his life once.

Eileen woke up in a white room that she doesn't recognize at all, guarded by Luke.

She was still tied tightly with Ezliott chain, and she can't get the chains off.

Luke:"No need to try to get the chains off, it won't break no matter how hard you try."

Eileen:"Ugh! Who even are you?!"

Luke:"You don't need my name, afterall you won't live long."

Eileen:"Are you going to beat me up?"

Luke:"No, not me."

Eileen:"Your friends then?"

Luke:"Not my friend either."

Eileen:"Then who?"

Luke:"You'll know later, for now can't you just be silent?"

Meanwhile with Xavier, he has arrived at Liam's office and Liam knows what Lumiere intention really is.

Liam:"I don't want to hear it."

Lumiere:"... If you can't let her live, then i would gladly leave your side", Lumiere takes off his mask and destroyed it.

Liam:"Betrayal can't be forgiven."

Lumiere:"I know."

Lumiere gets ready to fight Liam, and Liam quickly charged towards Xavier with his scythe. Xavier successfully hold Liam's scythe.

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