"Time Well Spent."

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When they arrive the district was really messed up, even more messed up than Linmoir.

Eileen:"It's even more messed up than Linmoir... Really."

Xavier:"It was exact like what Jeremiah says. Now that i think of it, where are the residents of the district?"

All of a sudden, there are a group of bandits that blocked their way. The bandits aimed their guns to Eileen and Xavier.

Bandit:"Give us all of your money!"

Eileen:"Wow what a nice welcome.", she gets ready for a fight.

Xavier:"Very nice.", he teleports right in front of the bandit and kicks him right on the stomach.

Xavier and Eileen easily beat the group of bandits easily using bare hands, the bandits definitely picks the wrong opponent and they quickly runs away after getting beaten up.

Eileen:"Well that's easy."

Xavier:"Agree, let's get going now."

Both of them continues walking and exploring the district, it was really quiet. They saw an inn. It seems like it was the only inn in the district, so they went to check in for 2 rooms.

After unpacking her things, Eileen went downstairs and have a little talk with the receptionist.


At midnight, there was a loud noise coming from downstairs and it turns out that there was a bear party and there were many people downstairs.

Eileen:"A beer party?... That's explains it."

Eileen decided to go downstairs to check it out and it turns out that Xavier was hanging out with the bandits from before drinking beer.

Xavier and the bandit were making a bet on who's going to be drunk first. Eileen approaches Xavier.


Xavier:"Oh? Hello."

Eileen:"What are you doing?"

Xavier:"Doing a bet, the winner gets 100 dollar."

Eileen:"Ah... I see, i'll sit here if you don't mind."

Xavier:"It's okay, it cheers me."

Bandit 1:"Is that all you got Xavier?"

Xavier:"Bring it on."


Both of them was a drawn opponent, the bandits keep cheering their leader and Eileen cheering Xavier.

And finally... The leader fell unconscious after consuming too many alcohol. And the subordinates helps carrying their leader and pay for the bet.

Eileen:"I was amazed that you're not drunk yet, you had so many glasses of beers."

Xavier didn't respond anything.


Xavier still didn't respond even a word. Eileen looks at Xavier face properly and it Xavier was actually asleep.

Eileen:"(He's asleep?...)", she smiles awkwardly and decides to escort Xavier back to his room.

After laying Xavier on his bed, Eileen was about to go back to her bedroom but, she was held by Xavier that's refuse to be abandoned.

Xavier:"Stay...", he said with a low voice.

Eileen:"Alright alright, i'll company you for a bit more."

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