"Running Away."

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Xavier was starting to get exhausted for fighting two people at once. Liam himself was actually enough to fought with Xavier, no need for Luke to step in. But with Luke, Liam was definitely helped.

Not a long time later, Camille and Ezliott also arrived which makes it a LOT more difficult. Xavier was already cornered.

Camille:"Sorry we're late."

Luke:"Where were you guys?"


Camille:"A date."

Liam:"It's okay, it's nearly finished anyway.", he said while aiming his spear to Xavier's neck.

Liam:"Any last words?"

Xavier stayed silent...

Liam:"Okay then."

When Liam's spear was about to cut Xavier's head off, there's three iron arrows going right towards Liam but was parried by Ezliott with his evol.

Ezliott looks at the arrow and there's a rounded shaped item attached to it. Ezliott quickly realized that it was the weapon from the weapons room and it was explosive.

Before Ezliott managed to say a word BOOM! The bomb exploded and it makes a thick smokes that made everyone cough including Xavier.

Xavier felt like his hands were grabbed by someone and he just surender to follows the person.

Xavier:"(This hand...)"

After the smoke vanishes, Liam commands to search for Xavier around, because he wouldn't be that far.

Xavier:"Eileen? You-"

Eileen:"Shh we'll escape together."

Camille found Xavier and Eileen's location, she uses her electric evol to attack them but they managed to get away, going upstairs.

Camille:"They're going upstairs!"

Camille follows them while reporting their location to the others using ear monitor (please correct me if i'm wrong).

Both Eileen and Xavier arrived at the rooftop of the headquarters cornered by Liam and the others.

Ezliott:"They can't go anywhere now..."

Liam:"Surrender now, there's nothing more you can do."

Camille was ready with her thunderbolt, waiting the command to knock both them.

Eileen:"We won't surrender to you! Never!", she said shouting at Liam.

Liam:"Oh really? what can you even do? Jump off the roof?"

Xavier:"Eileen, do you trust me?"

Eileen:"What kind of question is that? Of course i trust you."

Xavier:"Then, be ready."

Eileen:"For what?"

Xavier:"Jump.", he grabs Eileen hands and jump off.

Eileen:"Oh God... I don't want to look!", she closes her eyes.

Liam was surprised by their actions, but he also impresses by their courage.

Xavier protects Eileen with his body and he teleported both of them to another place.

Ezliott:"I really forgot he can teleport."

Camille:"Guess we can only track them now."

Liam:"It's okay, the search won't be that hard. There's some of my residual power left in the protocore he had that can track them, now you guys can go home we'll discuss about this tomorrow. Group disbanded.", Liam turns his back and went in to the headquarters.

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