"The Abandoned District."

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Lumiere:"My real name is Xavier."

Rebecca:"Xavier?... THAT'S SO COOL!!!", Rebecca said excited, her eyes sparkle after hearing Lumiere's real name.

(FYI:Xavier is Lumiere's real name. I'll address him as Xavier when he's not wearing his mask)


Rebecca:"Yeah your name is soooo cool! It matched your appearance! You should've been told me earlier! What's wrong with your name anyway???"

Xavier:"Well... There's no problem about my name."

Rebecca:"Then why wouldn't you tell me your name at the first place??", she asked while looking sad.

Xavier:"It's because... I just don't trust people easily... I'm sorry."

Rebecca:"It's okay! At least i know your real name now, you don't want to make a wish?"

Xavier:"No need."

Rebecca:"Why? Is there a specific reason?"

Xavier:"I don't really have any wishes."

Rebecca:"Oh i see..."

Xavier:"The moon is beautiful this night."

Rebecca:"Yeah... I agree. Oh yeah can i have your number?"


Rebecca:"There you go, also this is for you.", she pulls out a star necklace for Xavier from her pocket and put it into Xavier's neck.

Xavier:"This is for me? Really?"

Rebecca:"Of course it's for you silly! What do you think? Do you like the necklace??"

Xavier:"A lot, thanks."

Rebecca:"You're very welcome!"

Xavier:"I was thinking about giving you this as well."

Xavier pulls out a sun bracelet and puts it to Rebecca's right wrist. Rebecca gasps and give Xavier a big hug.

Rebecca:"Awww Thank you so much Xavier! You're the first person to give me this kind of thing! We have a couple bracelet, you're the moon and i'm the sun! It's so cute!"

Xavier:"You're very welcome. I'm glad you liked it.", he said while hugging Rebecca back (his ears are super red right now).

Xavier:"Well.. You know? I think it's already near the time for me to get back to the place where i belong to."

Rebecca:"Awwe, that's sad... When are you going back to your place?"

Xavier:"Maybe tomorrow."

Rebecca:"Hmm... Alright then, chat me if you had the time."

Xavier:"Sure one."


The next day, Xavier have been feeling a lot better and decided to go back doing his mission, before that he went to the blacksmith to make him his mask, the same one as before.

And after the mask had finished, Lumiere is back and so is Eileen Schmidt. They both came back in the same day and now Eileen was going to steal something valuable in a jewellery store.

My Shimmering Star ⭐☄️ (Xavier Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now