Chapter 19-Last Night On Earth

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*Wesley's POV*

"I can't believe all these drafts that didn't go through," Chuckled Quinn, holding both our phones and scrolling through. Again and again, there were little service or delivery error icons. I tightened my grip around her waist, but still cautious and not pushing my limits. "Woulda been sending all my love to you."

Everything was going so well today, it was almost as if I was living in a hazy dream. Not too long after all those hot tub confessions, Keaton, the master cockblocker of the century yelled that the pizza was here. THAT was what made Quinn hop out of my grip and almost break her neck running on tiles with wet feet. But that was alright. The four of us had dinner like old times, laughing over an unhealthy amount of pizza until we slowly left the kitchen, going back to whatever it was that we were doing before. 

We played just about all of the video games we had for a few hours, ranging from Just Dance to NHL, to Call Of Duty. Drew won most of the games, so everyone eventually got way too frustrated to continue playing. 

I wasn't sure how late it was now, but her face glowed in the light of the moon, and the light of the phone in front of her. "Quinn, you're the moonlight of my life. Every night of my life after meeting you, especially the ones you weren't with me, on the rare occasion that I could fall asleep at night, you were the reason." She rolled around to face me, smiling and tracing my jawline. "Which band are you ripping off right now?" 

Busted. Not the band Busted. The verb in past tense-never mind. You get the idea.

Trying not to make eye contact with her, I looked away, cringing. This was super embarrassing.  "Green Day." I muttered.  She laughed, putting the phone down. "Knew it." Placing a hand on her arm, I stared into the eyes that were burning into my own. "After I get out, you bet I'll be giving all my love to you. Honestly, every fibre of my being belongs to you, and we've both come so far." 

"Even if...I don't end up getting better-" She frowned, shaking her head. "No. You can do this." 

"If I end up even destroying myself even more, just know how much you mean to me. Can you do that?" Her eyes shifted towards everything but my face. "Don't you have to pack?" She got off the sofa and out of my arms, taking the warm, bubble-like atmosphere with her. I stared back at her blankly. "You're gunna have to help me up, I'm way too comfortable right now." 

She raised an eyebrow and  lifted the blanket to the side, the cold air conditioned air hitting me at full force. "How about now?" She was trying to act disconnected and tough, but I could tell that it was more than that, she wanted to avoid the subject entirely. As much as I wanted to stay here, I knew that there was no winning with her-and I really DID need to pack. 

With an overdramatic groan I got off the sofa and trudged forward to my mess of a room, Quinn following behind me. She hesitated at the door. "Relax, you can come in." Visibly relaxing, she walked in after me, looking around. "You painted." 

I chuckled, remembering the day that I'd tried to change my room. "Correction-Drew and Keaton painted while I watched." The truth is, I couldn't paint rooms to save my life.  I decided to change everything when I was so mad that I couldn't see straight, the guys probably only helped me so I'd stop yelling. The once bright walls were dark blue with a horizontal line of grey in the middle, stretching around the whole room. The bedframe was black, with matching grey sheets and whatnot. 

Walking into the closet, she looked around at the shelves and shelves of clothes, hats, and shoes. "I'm going to hope that your outfit being on point isn't going to be one of your top priorities in rehab, because we're going to be in here forever if it is."She ventured further into the closet, to grab a suitcase, when I remembered something that she shouldn't see was in there. 

"Just so you know, button up shirts have buttons on them so you can button them up. That's how it works, Wesley." Before I could stop her, she swept the hanging shirts to the side, exposing my corkboard which was pinned full of pictures, some even overlapping each other. 

I felt my cheeks and my ears turning red, as she kept her gaze on the board. "You weren't supposed to find that."

It was like something out of Criminal Minds, and I wouldn't really blame her if she decided to leave and never talk to me ever again. This shit would make pretty much anyone super uncomfortable. 

The board was filled with pictures, some posed, some candids of her. I think there were even some fan manips of the two of us on there.

She stayed there, analyzing everything there for a few minutes, not saying anything. When she finally spoke, it wasn't anything I'd ever have expected. 

"Well, you haven't attacked me yet, so that eliminates the risk of this being a super complex hostage situation in which you're avenging anyone's death...but this also explains the length of your relationships after me."

That didn't make me feel any better. 

She laughed, which kind of confused me. "I'm not mad, Wes. Uncomfortable? A little bit. Maybe a little creeped out as well. But this is like a physical copy of one of those tumblr collage edits, which is actually kind of cool. Not that you're a fanboy or anything."

And then, I blurted out something I probably should have thought about first.

"I'm a fan of that booty."

Instead of getting mad, she started laughing even more. "You can change your room, your house, paint the whole town red-but you really haven't changed as much as I thought, have you? The good things about you, of course." Flicking through the hangers, she tossed me a a bunch of tops and bottoms, murmuring different comments for every article of clothing. 

"I made triply sure that no combination of any of these clothes will make you look like a douche." That was good to know. We sat down on the carpet, folding everything up as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. 

It was around 3 when we'd finally finished packing. 

"Shit, thank you so much. God, I'm so happy I could kiss you right now." She raised her eyebrows at me, with a challenging look in her eyes. 

"What's stopping you?"

Oh, man. 

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