Part 20-If It Means A Lot To You

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*Quinn's POV*

I'd woken up early out of habit, and since staring at Wes sleeping started reminding me of what I'd be without for an unknown period of time, I got myself out of bed for my usual morning routine, then made my way downstairs. I didn't mind at all that the shower made me smell even more like him.

"Why hello, there." I jumped and turned, as Drew lowered his newspaper to peer over at me. "Fun night?" I rolled my eyes as a lazy grin made its way across Drew's face. "Sure, helping Wes pack for rehab was a barrel of monkeys. What do you want for breakfast?"

"A bowl of oatmeal with cinnamon and a banana on the side, please, thanks. Oatmeal's on the first cupboard on your right." I grabbed the packet of instant oatmeal, and emptied it into a bowl.

"Also, you guys were super loud last night."

I grabbed a banana form the fruit bowl, and whipped it at him, glaring. Unfortunately, he caught it, and started laughing, waving it at me. "You're good with these, aren't you?"

I popped the bowl of oats and water into the microwave, then walked over to Drew, still glaring. "How's that for a goodbye gift? I bet Wes loved that-he's missed you loads, though." His joking demeanor faded, and I tried to focus on peeling the tangerine in my hands. The TV turned on and started playing Spongebob, startling us both.

"Hello? I've been here for the past hour, guys." Keaton was lying in a beanbag chair across the room, holding the remote in one hand, and a bowl of Lucky Charms in another. "Also, you two were TOTALLY loud. I need either a girlfriend or new earbuds."

I groaned. "Were we that bad? Also, I have both Bose and at least half of your celeb crushes on speed dial so both are doable."

If this morning couldn't get any more awkward, Wesley decided to stride into the room, slinging an arm around my shoulders and giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Who has who on speed dial? And Quinn, I need to talk to you."

Keaton and Drew wiggled their eyebrows at me as I nodded. Shooting hem a glare, I followed Wes into the kitchen.

"Darling, You good?" I shrugged, ignoring the pet name and thinking of the morning so far. Sighing, he ran a hand though his hair. "Me leaving so soon is bothering you, isn't it?" He had a doubtful look on his face. As much as I wanted as much of him to myself for as long as time allowed me, I couldn't let him change his mind about this.

"Don't worry about me, Wes. This is going to help you. It'll turn your life around, pave the way to a new start. You're the one who registered yourself." He had a thoughtful look on his face.

"Yeah, I want it but no, I don't need it. Honestly, your voice with even better words would probably help me so much more-I might be in there for a while." Staring back at him, I frowned. "I really don't think that'll be better for you than psychiatric help, Wes. I'm pretty sure science and neurological studies don't work that way." 

Pacing the white and turquoise tiles, he groaned. "I'm just worried about you and I. Everything's finally good again, and I'll be gone. I don't want to let this go once I've gotten it." Cautiously, I made my way across the kitchen and leaned on the island counter. "That shouldn't be your first priority. Everything will work out the way it's mean to be. You get better, and the rest will follow."A few moments passed, accompanied by a look of conflict on his face. 

"Ok, I'll go." I sighed in relief. Damn right you will...he needed to learn to straighten out his priorities before any treatment started. "If you can wait till I get home, then I swear to you that we can make this last. To the outside world, we're still single. I honestly won't mind-actually I will, if you're around some guys and there are stories. Just don't fall for them while I'm gone." He gritted his teeth, keeping his gaze locked on a little ladybug making its way up the wall. It was obvious that what the words were hard for him to get out. But I'm sure that it's for the best, since before we know it, it'll all be in the past. He moved closer to me, resting his hands on my hips. "You know, I've always-"

He was interrupted by several loud beeps from outside the open window. We both turned, to see his mum in an SUV, excitedly waving at us. Drew was putting two suitcases into the back trunk of the vehicle, while Keaton was sitting on the lawn and playing games on his phone. 

"Hi, kids! Quinn, I've missed you so much, honey! Wes, are you ready to go?" He turned bright red, looking away whilst breathing heavily. Even if I wanted to know what he was going to say, I still found the situation hilarious. Laughing, I walked away from him, stopping at the doorframe. "Yeah, Wes. You ready?"

"Whatever." He trudged towards the door, and made his way down the hall, then out the door. The harsh sunlight felt like it was burning my eyes, it was way too early for this. Drew slammed the trunk closed as I walked out the door, watching the boys say their goodbyes.

"I changed my mind." All three of us stared in disbelief. Laraine took off her sunglasses and did the same. "What the hell do you mean?" Asked Drew. Wes walked towards me, stopping inches away.

"I can't give you what you need, and I know it." What was going on? I was confused, but something told me that another seemingly perfect dream was coming to an end. Before I could process what was going on, he continued. "I feel like what we have is mutual...but I can't expect you to wait for that long . It's not fair to you."

"Wes, what are you saying?" I clenched my jaw, trying not to think about what he'd just implied. He blinked, then started backing away, as if out of a trance, then made his way back to the car. 

Then, it hit me. Is this really happening? 

"Wait, no. I'm sorry. I take that back."

"Dude, are you alright?" Keaton put a hand on Wesley's shoulder, but was then shoved away. Drew cursed under his breath, and walked forward, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the car. "He needs to get out of here right now."

"Let me go back to her, Drew! I screwed up again!" As Wes tried to shake out of his grip, Drew opened the door, put the child lock on, tossed him in, and slammed the door shut. Even when Laraine started driving, he still stuck his head out the window and kept yelling. 

"I BET YOU'RE GOING TO JUST STICK ME IN THE GODDAMN FRIENDZONE, BECAUSE IT'S EASY FOR YOU, BUT NOT FOR ME. I'M NOT JUST ANOTHER BOY YOU CAN CONTROL WITH YOUR PRECIOUS FUCKING SMILE." I started tuning out of whatever he was saying as the car started getting smaller and smaller into the distance. 

Keaton looked awkwardly at me. "So...what happens now?"

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