Chapter 3-Getting What You Derserve

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*Quinn's POV*

Well, this could be a lot worse.

Wesley could be screaming profanities at Carly, while Drew and Keaton held him back, or Carly could be crying, or someone could have been punched in the face.

Instead, the air was filled with venom and sarcasm, with a side of awkwardness. 

"They take you away for a night, and you find another guy? Is that how it is?" Wes asked cooly, keeping his eyes on Carly. His eyes occasionally darted towards me, which I tried to avoid. "Wesley, don't play dumb, I lost you a long time ago, when you cheated on me with that girl. Why do you pretend to care every time I breathe the same air as another guy? Jealous much?" Carl simpered.Her poker face game was hella strong. "Because I could have fixed everything, if you just gave me enough chances." Wes' left eye twitched with frustration, and I could tell Carly was starting to get pissed. "I've given you a chance every time I'd forgiven you for hurting me, physically or emotionally, Wesley. You're not some fricking Bob the Builder, because you never fix it, or make it better!"

"You're right. I don't. At first, we only dated because of management. And then, I wanted to make Quinn jeaulous." Hold up. What?!? 

The room went silent, and everyone stared at Wesley and I. "Well, you're a goddamn asshole, that's for sure." I muttered. Beau snickered. "I think you should leave now. Carly, any last words or requests?" She nodded, glaring at Wesley. "We're over, now stay out of my life."

"B-but Quinn, don't you want me back?" Stuttered Wesley. I stared at him like he had tentacles sprouting from his arms. "Are you insane? You screwed up my life. Big time. I finally got over you, taught myself how to be independent and happy without your help. There is no way in hell that I'm letting you back into my house after all this, much less my life. Wesley Trent Stromberg, I am DONE with you. You can leave now." I ranted, clenching my jaw. I felt a soft hand hold mine, and I briefly turned back to see Luke. "I suggest you listen to her. Wouldn't want any more trouble that you're already caused, yeah?" Wesley stayed still and silent.

And then, it was like Tarzan the jungle man was unleashed. Wes started picking things up, and throwing them to the ground, yelling curses at the top of his lungs. Things shattered, broke, thumped, all those breaking noises in the dictionary.

Just kidding. 

What he actually did, was just get up, and sadly look at Carly and I, and walk silently to the front door, tie up his sneakers in that strange way that he tied his sneakers, and left, closing the door behind him.

"I think we should go was nice seeing you?" Said Keaton sheepishly. We nodded, and said our goodbyes to the two boys as they left the house. 

The following hours consisted of sitting there, unsure of what to do after that whole episode, until Jai decided to put on Pitch Perfect. Nobody was really watching the movie, since we'd all seen it countless times over the years so we just had our individual little conversations, occasionally laughing at something funny. Like just about half of Fat Amy's dialogue.

"Milo, can I talk to you real quick?" Milo excused himself from his conversation, telling Carly he'd be back in 5 minutes. "Oh, we're gunna need more than 5 minutes." Added Luke. We went to the kitchen table, sitting down.

"You like her." Milo rolled his eyes. "No shit, Luke." Even though the comment was sarcastic, Milo was pretty serious. "Don't be too foreward with her. She just got out of a relationship. Be nice to her first, then after when you think the time is right, start making moves." Milo stared at Luke. "Wait, did you just tell me to go into the friendzone?" I looked at Luke, and he looked back. "Yeah, basically." We both said, in unison. "Just take it easy, yeah? She was pretty uncomfortable this morning." I pointed out.

"Wait. I have a few questions."



"I'm never giving Milo relationship advice ever again." I groaned, walking out of the kitchen with Luke, half an hour later. Luke grumbled a response of some sort. "That's it, you antisocial kids need some time doing something productive. We're going exploring." Said Ronnie, getting up. Everyone's heads moved up from their phones, gave him a dismissive look, and went back to whatever they were doing. Well, he did have a point. Sitting at home wasn't going to make Wesley un-barge in. I plucked the boys' phones out of their hands, and they all protested. "I don't care how punk rock you want to be on the internet,  but you're all getting some sunshine before you turn paler than a pack of doves." I sassed, managing to fit all 4 phones into my shorts pockets. "Flock. A group of doves is called a flock." Corrected Ian.

"Do you want your phone back or not? Get in the car." Ian raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Only if I get to drive the Rover." I walked over to my bag, fished out the keys, and tossed them to Ian. He stared at the keys in awe. "Can you get in the car now?" I asked. He started nervously laughing, while still staring at the keys. Guys and their car obsession. "You don't have to ask me twice." He dashed out the door, pausing while he was halfway out the door. "Shoes. Drivers wear shoes." He whispered, tugging his sneakers on, then going back out the door. "Dork." I muttered, running a hand through my hair, tying it up into a ponytail, and sliding some black sunglasses on. 

The rest of the group followed, as I tossed Ronnie the keys to the car that the band shared. (The rover was the same one that I got for my grad present.) "I guess we'll follow wherever Ian decides to take us."

Ian decided to take us to the mall.

And as usual, I gave the band back their phones, and they ditched the rest of us to run off to Zumiez, although this time, Milo dragged Carly with him. True little punks. "Well, Jai, James, Skip, Ronnie, and I are going to explore." Said Beau, the rest of the guys agreeing with him, and walking away before we could protest.

"We're not actually spending a whole afternoon at the mall, are we?" Asked Luke. I sighed in relief. "Thank god you said that." We walked out of the Eaton Centre, looking around at the busy intersection. Random people shouted about the power of Jesus as people passed by.

"Hey, Luke, are you hungry?" He shook his head, just as his stomach rumbled. "This is why I have trust issues!" I said, pretending to sob. He immediately hugged me, and started rambling. "I'm so sorry, Quinn, I-" I burst out laughing, as Luke  stared back, confused. "Luke, I was messing with you. You're too adorable." I said, punching him lightly on the arm. He also started laughing, wrapping an arm around me. "You're horrible."

"So, how about the Hard Rock Café for lunch?" He looked across the street, as a smile spread across his face. "Sounds amazing."

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