The Beach

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The world was a blue haze through my sunglasses. I think I preferred it that way, I felt I could see the world through this whole new dimension. Oh, and they also shielded me from the blinding sun.I was squashed up against the cool, steamy window in the backseat of the car. I felt quite claustrophobic. I pressed my warm cheek up against the glass and immediately got that icy sensation. I looked over to my left. Sitting there in an awkward position, texting was my older sister, Hazel. She was 17, tall, blonde, captain of the hockey team, clever, beautiful... Should I continue? You know, the usual. She was just like them girls in movies. Them girls who had perfect teeth, got straight 'As' school and always got her 'prince charming.' Apparently, I had a lot to live up to. My parents always said 'why can't you be more like Hazel?' And I always replied with 'because I'm Leah.' I'm probably the complete opposite of Hazel. Rather than playing hockey, much prefer to sit at home propped up on the couch, sipping steaming hot chocolate and writing. With my short frizzy brown hair, braces, grades just barely scraping a B and my nonexistent love life; I didn't really stand a chance.

My younger sister was slumped on the opposite size of the car. Kate had had her head in a book for the past half an hour. She was basically a younger version of me (or so everybody told us!) She was 11, almost as tall as me, irritatingly. Kate had really long, curly hair, which I was secretly envious of and dark brown, wistful puppy eyes, which she could hypnotise just about anyone into doing anything for her with. She wasn't bad at sport, she'd probably grow up to be another Hazel.

Finally the car came to a holt. I peered out the car window. We had finally arrived at the beach and of course it was bucketing with rain. Everyone was in a bad mood, complaining and shivering with the cold. The 2 hour car journey had been an ordeal for me so I decided to go for a walk along the beach, leaving everyone huddled up in the car nibbling squished homemade ham sandwiches.

The sky was murky grey, like a child had mixed every colour in their new set of paints. Kicking off my shoes and socks, the soft powdery sand filled the gaps between my toes. The waves gently lapped my against my feet, lightly spraying my legs as I approached the water. The best way I could describe the temperature of the water would be for you to imagine stepping into a bath full of ice. I let out a little screech as I stepped in the water. The rain continued, pelting down on me. I felt so at peace on this beach. It was as if I was in my own world. While I was here alone on this beach, time was frozen until I returned to reality.

I reluctantly decided to return to the car, and immediately regretted it. Somehow, Something just didn't feel quite right, so I ran. The harsh wind stung my face, I concentrated on the cracked, concrete road. My heart was pounding and I felt nautious. Something was definitely not right...

I couldn't believe the sight that lay just before me. The car was hanging halfway off a cliff somehow. I heard screaming coming from the car. My family. A police car was attached to our car and trying to pull it to safety, but didn't look like it was going too well. At that moment I couldn't breath. I stood there, obviously wanting to do something but feeling helpless. I kept telling repeating to myself that everything would be okay and this was all just a nightmare. I wanted to scream and tell the police to hurry up and save my family, to try harder.

Suddenly the rope slipped.

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