Chapter One

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Clarissa's POV

I stood there at a podium with Alan at the lecture, listening to all the questions the students had, knowing that questions about San Diego would be asked. I wish this was over so I could head home and talk to my son, Owen, who's working so hard in the Navy as a SEAL. Owen wanted to save lives, he wanted to make Ian and me proud, but he's always made us proud.

"It is through the study of the anterior chamber in multiple specimens that we can determine the correlation between the upper palate and the larynx. This lets us theorize, theorize, mind you, that the Raptor was capable of sophisticated vocalizations which would have been a tremendous evolutionary advantage. Raptors were fierce, intelligent, and socially sophisticated. They were able to hunt in numbers and coordinate their efforts. Were it not for the cataclysmic events that overtook them, it's entirely possible that raptors, rather than humans, would have become the dominant species on this planet. I hope this has been of interest. It certainly excites us as paleontologists. There is much more to discover. That is why we continue to need and ask for, your support," Alan said, there was silence so he added, "Thank you."

The Dean of the school started clapping and everyone followed, "Thank you very much, Dr. Grant and Dr. Malcolm. Now, does anyone have a question?" Lots of people raised their hands and Alan gave me a sly smirk, then looked to the crowd, "Fine. Does anyone have a question that does not relate to Jurassic Park?" Several lowered their hands, "Or the incident in San Diego which only Dr. Malcolm witnessed?" Several more lowered their hand and Alan pointed at one guy, "Yes, sir?" 

The guy stood up, "Your theory on raptors is good and all, but isn't all this conjecture kind of moot? Once the U.N. and Costa Rica and everyone decide on how to handle that second island, scientists will just go in and look for themselves." I stood up and everyone started whispering, I waved Alan off so he didn't have to answer and he smirked. "Sir, I understand your question. But as InGen's heiress, I will assure you that the U.N. nor Costa Rica will touch that second island or even the first. I own those islands and I forbid anyone to step one foot on those islands. My father was a brilliant and kind man, but he was too imaginative. Too hopeful. Those creatures will never be able to fit into our world. Paleontology will be around for a while more, no matter what everyone says. Dinosaurs lived sixty-five million years ago and they were preserved in the rock. And it is in the rock that real scientists make real discoveries. Now, what my father and my company did at Jurassic Park was to create genetically engineered theme-park monsters. Nothing more and nothing less."

A woman stood up and smiled at me, "Are you saying, Mrs. Malcolm, that you wouldn't want to get back onto Isla Sorna and study them without interruptions if you had the chance?" I shook my head, "And relive the hell? No force on Earth or Heaven could get Dr. Grant or myself on that island." 


I stood at Alan's dig site in Fort Peck Lake in Montana and looked around, "Purty fancy." Alan laughed, "Oh hush. It's not Ian's lavish lifestyle, but it works for me." I snorted, "I actually missed the dirt and dust, other than what Owen brought in after his football games." Alan laughed, "Don't you guys live in Texas? I thought you would be used to the dirt by now. You're thirty-eight now. Man, you're old." I laughed, "How rude of you to say that! Besides that's eight too many years to deal with live fucking dinos. I swear if I have to deal with one more. I'm retiring."

"Dr. Grant!" I looked over to see Billy and I shook my head smiling, "That boy idolizes you." Alan shook his head, "Dr. Brennan." Billy ran over and grabbed Alan and my bag, carrying them for us even though I told him not to, "So, how did it go?" Alan closed the door, "Well, it's not too late to change your major and work for Clary, Billy." Billy laughed, "I'd never get work don't with the beautiful and darling Clarissa Malcolm around." 

Alan chuckled, "Don't let her husband hear you say that. We'll have to pack up in four weeks." Billy sighed, "Three. I had to rent some equipment. Why doesn't Mrs. Malcolm give some grant money?" I groaned, "I tried, Billy." Alan shook his head, "I won't let her. The last time I got grant money from a Hammond it didn't go so well." I gasped in offense as we walked over to the tent, "I am not my father!" Billy laughed, "Meet the future of paleontology. It's a rapid prototype. I enter in the scanned data from the raptor skull," Billy explained and Alan looked interested, "The computer breaks it down into thousands of slices. And this thing sculpts it, one layer at a time. It's done." 

Billy lifts the screen and picks up the prototype, smiling, "I give you the resonating chamber of a Velociraptor." Billy blew into it and I froze in fear, remembering the sound that those raptors made, Alan looked at me in worry, "Billy, stop. Please." Billy stopped and walked over to me, setting a hand on my arm, "Shit, sorry. Mrs. Clary. I forgot." I fake smiled, "It seems that a lot of people forget what my husband and I went through twice." Billy flinched at my tone and nodded, "Sorry again." 

"Dr. Grant. Mrs. Hammond. Paul Kirby, Kirby Enterprises." A man said behind me and I rolled my eyes, "My name is Mrs. Malcolm." The man smiled, "My apologies. My card," he handed it to Alan and then looked at Billy, "How you doing, Billy?" Alan and I walked outside the tent and Alan sighed, "What can we do for you, Mr. Kirby?" Paul smiled, "Um. First thing, I'm a great admirer of both of you. And I have a proposition I'd like to discuss with both of you. Would you both have dinner with my wife and me this evening? It would be our treat!" 

Alan shook his head, "That'd be great but I'm tired. I've been traveling and Clary needs to go to the hotel, she's away from her husband. Maybe some other time." Paul waved him off, "Believe me this will be worth your while." Billy came up behind Paul, "We'd love to." Paul smiled, "Oh, terrific! That's the spirit. Good. This evening then!" 

Alan and I glared at Billy.

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