Chapter Five

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We continued walking as all of us stopped and looked down at the research center I was just at earlier. Damn, I ran a long way. "I bet you Eric is in there. Don't you think? I bet my bottom dollar!" Paul ran off and I looked at Alan, "He's not there. I was just there. No one else." Alan sighed, "They won't listen if you tell them that." I smirked, "I'm just going to let them learn." 

We continued to walk and Billy asked, "What do you think it is?" The guy behind me, Udesky, chuckled, "As far as I'm concerned, it's the Four Seasons." I laughed as we continued walking, "You have no idea."

We made it down to the building and Alan looked around, "I guess this is what happens after nature takes over after eight years." "Eric!" Paul called out it and scared the shit out of Amanda and I. Amanda looked at Paul, "Paul, stop!" They all looked at the phone and Amanda sighed, "What the hell." Of course, no power!" 

We made it to the vending machines and Paul pulled out his wallet, "Who's got some change? It only takes quarters." I smirked as Billy kicked in the glass, causing it to shatter. I grabbed some food and looked at Paul, "There's no phone power and you thought these would take your quarters?" 

I handed Alan a bag of chips and opened mine up, eating it, "It's stale but good enough." We walked downstairs and into the lab, I looked around to see most of the machines broken. Amanda picked up an egg, "Is this how you make dinosaurs, Mrs. Malcolm?" Alan shook his head as he looked at a vial with me, one that was labeled with my name, "No, this is how you play God." I put the vial of my blood in my backpack to keep safe, "Charlotte must have had someone raid the hospital to get my blood when I donated." 

We continued to look around and I looked into the tanks with some water in it. Amanda stood by me as we looked at a fully grown and lifelike replica of a Raptor. I tilted my head, "Why is it just the head and neck?" My question was answered when the head moved and roared at us, Amanda screamed and everyone started running. I stood still and watched as the Raptor followed them, knowing that they would be back. I went to run outside to wait for the rest of the group when I heard the raptor calling for help. I gasped and froze, "He's calling for help." 

I saw the group running out and I screamed, "Let's go! Now!" All of us ran out of the center and into a meadow as I shook with fear at hearing the Raptor call for the rest of his pack. Alan gripped my arm, "It's okay. They can't hurt you." I snarled, "That doesn't make me any better! Knowing that I'm safe, but you aren't!" Alan nodded, "I know! Into the herd!" We ran into the herd, causing the herd to panic and I saw that Billy dropped his camera bag. I picked it up and continued to run as I knew the raptors would be behind us, "Head for the trees! The raptors can't climb!''

Alan and I got separated from the group and I heard Udesky scream, "Son of a bitch. He's dead now." Alan nodded and we slowly made our way to a bush and crouched to listen to the Raptors talk. Alan whispered, "What are you saying?" I looked closely, "They're looking for something, Alan. Not just food." I put Billy's bag around my shoulders and sighed, "We have to get off this god-forsaken island, Alan." 

We quietly went over to a tree to look to see if they had left and Alan sat down, nodding at me. As soon as he got back up, I saw a raptor on the other side of the tree. I pulled Alan back and held onto him as multiple raptors surrounded us. They all started talking and I set a hand on the bag to make sure it was still there, as soon as I did, the raptor started clicking at me calming down. Alan looked at me confused and reached for the bag, as soon as he did, the raptors started going ape shit again. 

I looked at Alan, "They're looking for something and it's in the fucking bag. I opened the bag to see some raptor eggs and I snarled, "Billy stole their eggs." Alan groaned, "That kid. I'm going to kill him!" When the raptors saw the eggs in my possession, they started to grow excited, but I couldn't give them back because a smoke bomb was thrown and it chased them away. "Shit!" I said, coughing and Alan joined in. 

Someone grabbed our hands and started to drag us somewhere, I looked after the smoke went away and I saw a boy dressed in leaves. "Wait!" Alan said, coughing. We continued to follow him as he led us into a crashed InGen truck. We got inside and he lit a light and looked outside. Alan smiled and got settled beside me, "Thanks. Thanks a lot, Eric." I nodded, "We could have given the eggs back and they would have left us alone, but thank you for saving us." 

Eric came back down and looked confused, "You know who I am?" I nodded, "Yep. Your parents are here. They're looking for you." Eric looked at me, "Together?" Alan nodded and took off his bag, "Together." Eric shook his head, "That's not good. They don't do so well together." Alan smiled, "You'd be surprised at what people can do when they have to." 

Eric hung another light and looked at us, "You're Alan Grant and Clarissa Malcolm! The heiress to the Hammond Corporation. What are you two doing here?" I smiled, "Your parents invited us along." 


Eric gave us something to eat other than junk and smiled at us, "I read both of your books, Dr. Grant. I liked the first one more before you were on the island. Mrs. Malcolm, your work in the paleontology field and press conferences during the San Diego incident were very well handled. I've idolized you since the incident on the first island. You both liked dinosaurs back then."

I snorted, "Back then, they hadn't tried to eat us yet." I looked around and Eric nodded, "When InGen cleared out, they left a lot of stuff behind." Alan looked at him, "Any weapons?" Eric shook his head, "No, and I just used the last of the gas grenades." Alan nodded, "And we appreciate that. Other than Clary, trying to fix the problem, but you didn't know." 

I picked up a vial and Eric shook his head, "Be careful with that. T-Rex. It scares some of the smaller ones away but it attracts one really big one with the fin." Alan looked at the vial and then at Eric, "This is T-Rex pee?" Eric took a bite of his granola bar and nodded, I looked at him, "How did you get it?" Eric grinned and wiped his mouth, "You don't wanna know."

I heard Compys chirping and I smiled as I looked at Eric, "I have to say that we are astonished you have lasted eight weeks on this island." Eric looked devastated, "It that all it's been?" I nodded and stood up, "Feels longer doesn't it? I'm going to see old friends." Alan looked at Eric as I got out, "See what I have to deal with?" 

They both looked out to see me walking over to the Compys and Eric looked panicked, "What is she doing?" Alan laughed, "Long story, but she's safe. Don't worry Eric. Don't hold onto her if we get cornered by a dinosaur though, they don't like it. Did you read Malcolm's book?" Eric made a face, "Yeah. It was kind of preachy though. And too much chaos. Everything is chaos. Seemed like he was kinda high on himself. He mentioned Clary every fricken page too."

I giggled as a few Compys jumped up and down, trilling in excitement to see me, "I hadn't had a chance to read it, now I have to so I can make fun of him." Alan chuckled, "Maybe that's why you hadn't read it yet. He doesn't want you to find out that he's so in love with you." Eric looked at the Compys, "Are you staying out here, Clary?" I nodded and sat down at the base of a tree, letting the Compys snuggle up to me, "Yeah, you two get some sleep. I'll be fine out here." Alan looked at me, "And if you get eaten because one wants to do an uprising?" I looked at him, "Then tell Ian I went out like a boss and not a dumbass!" Alan gave me a thumbs up, "Got it, boss!" 

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