Chapter Three

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I woke up and looked around to see Alan on the floor, no one else but Billy in the plane, and I glared at him, "Are we on the fucking ground?" Billy flinched, "Am I fired if I say yes?" I yelled, "Yes! You're fired! These people are going to prison!" I got up and got off the plane to see Amanda yelling into a megaphone, "Eric! Ben!" I looked over to see the other men gearing up and running off. 

Paul came walking over, "Dr. Grant, are you all right? I'm sorry we had to be so rough." Alan glared at him, "Who hit me?" Paul pointed, "Ah, that would be Cooper." I snarled and grabbed Paul's collar, "Do you have any idea who I am?" Paul gulped, "Ian Malcolm's wife." I cackled, "I might be Ian Malcolm's wife, but I am Clarissa Hammond. Heiress to the InGen Corporation and you've just broken every law that I've made to keep people safe! You son of a bitch! This is why I shut down all of the projects my father wanted to do! People will die more than they already have!" 

Paul shook his head, "Mrs. Malcolm, no one has died and no one will die." Amanda kept yelling, "Eric!" I glared at her, "Tell her to stop, Paul." Alan looked at the guys, "What are they doing?" Paul nodded, "Setting up a perimeter to make sure it's safe." Alan gritted his teeth, "Trust us, there is no such thing as safe while we are on this island. We have to get back on the plane because if Ian Malcolm finds out, which he will, he will be pissed. Oh, will he be pissed! Tell your wife to stop making that noise! That is a very, very bad idea!"

Paul yelled to Amanda, "Amanda!" Amanda ignored, "Ben!" Paul continued, "Amanda, honey! Dr. Grant said that's a bad idea!" Amanda turned around and spoke into the megaphone, "What's a bad idea!?" A roar in the jungle sounded and I froze, "Alan, that's not a T-Rex." Alan nodded, "It's something bigger." Gunshots went off and two of the guys came back running with the look of fear on their faces.

I glared at Amanda and Paul, "I'm going to kill you two!" All of us, but Cooper got on the plane and Billy turned around, "What about Cooper!?" I snarled, "Get on the plane now! He's dug his grave!" I shut the door and they started up the plane, getting enough speed to take off. I looked forward and froze in fear as a new dinosaur snatched up Cooper, causing the pilot to take off suddenly and of course, problems. Please imagine that will be sparkles and shit around that cause I can't believe that I'm doing this again. I should have listened to my husband. 

We crash-landed into the jungle and I just sat in my seat fuming with rage as Paul looked around to make sure everyone was okay, by the time he looked at me, I could see fear in his eyes. Amanda shook him and turned around to see me glaring at them and she started to breathe heavily. 

I looked out the windshield and my eyes widened to see that the dino followed us. Amanda started screaming as she saw it too and Alan grabbed my shoulder, "Do you think this new one will like you like the last ones?" I whispered, "I'm not sure if I wanna find out." Paul looked confused, "What are you talking about?" Alan glared at him, "None of your business."

The dinosaur ripped the front of the plane off and I started sliding to the front, but Alan and Billy caught me. The pilot panicked and screamed in pain, grabbing onto my leg as the dino pulled him out of the plane. The dinosaur saw this and roared with his mouth full and I tilted my head and looked at Alan. I guess he saw the look in my eyes because he started shaking his head, "No. No. No! You can't be serious!" I nodded, "It will be okay, Alan, let me go." 

Billy looked at Alan like he was crazy, "You can't be serious! What are we going to tell Dr. Malcolm?!" Alan sighed, "I have a feeling we won't have to." Alan and Billy let me go, causing me to go with the man. I heard Amanda and Paul scream as the man was crying as he was being shaken. The man and I were thrown into a puddle and the man kept a latch on my leg, only for the dinosaur to come over and nudge his head against mine softly.

I could hear Alan whisper, "She wasn't lying." Billy looked like he was in awe, "How can this happen?" I watched as the dino clamped his jaws onto the man's arm, causing him to let me go. I quickly stood up and looked at Alan, "I'll be fine! Make it alive! I'm going to find answers about this!" Alan nodded, "Go!" Paul yelled at me, "You're leaving us?! To die?!" Billy grabbed his collar, "You saw how that dinosaur didn't like your guy touching her. If we do that, we suffer the same as he did, we are all safe if she's on her own." Alan shrugged, "Safer than if she was here anyway. Go, Clary!" 

I flinched as I heard it roar and I started running further into the jungle, "This is bullshit. Why am I doing this again!? That's a new dino. They created a new dino. A T-Rex with fucking arms." I yelped as I heard a T-Rex in the distance, "Did they come across a T-Rex too?" I could hear the fighting, but then the thunderous roar of the new creature, but not the Rex. I ran faster, hoping to find a research center close by. 


Alan's POV

"The Costa Rican government said that this was a no-fly zone. The U.S. Embassy, that's our U.S. Embassy, told us we should accept the inevitable. Can you believe that?!" Paul said and I sighed, hanging my head as Billy asked, "You let a twelve-year-old go parasailing alone? In Clary's territory? Without her permission?" Amanda shook her head, "He wasn't alone. He was with a friend. We thought if we brought her along and explained the situation, she would understand and be okay with helping us." 

I looked at them with rage, "All right, so why me?" Paul pointed to the guy behind me, "He said we needed someone who'd been on the island before." I looked at them like they were crazy and the guy nodded, "Yes, but I did not tell you to kidnap somebody, especially the Heiress of the Hammond Corporation. She had her terms and you disobeyed them." 

I looked at Paul and glared, "I have never been on this island. Clary is the only one who's been on this island." Paul shook his head, "Sure you have, you wrote that book." Billy shook his head, "That was Isla Nublar. This is Isla Sorna, Site B." Their guy looked confused, "You mean there are two islands with dinosaurs on them?" Amanda and Paul looked at him, "Oh, stay out of this!" 

I raised my hands, "All right. How long have they been missing?" Amanda sighed, "Almost eight weeks now." I sighed, "Billy. We'll go back to the place and salvage what we can. Then we need to meet up with Clary and make for the coast." Paul looked at me sternly, "Dr. Grant, we are not leaving this island without our son." I nodded, "Then you can go and look for him. Or you can stick with us, as long as you don't hold us up. Either way, you probably won't get off this island alive."

"And if you do, Ian Malcolm will be right there to tear you a new one." 

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