Chapter Seven

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I unlocked the door and pushed Amanda and Eric through, watching in the distance as Billy was being attacked by the big-ass annoying birds. I gritted my teeth and shut the door, forgetting to lock it, then ran to the boat to start it up to get out of there. I stood by Alan and sighed, "Billy." Alan started to paddle, "I hope he lives so I can kick his ass." I chuckled, "I'm looking forward to that one." 

Paul got the motor working and I stood at the edge of the boat with Alan beside me. "Dr. Grant. Mrs. Malcolm?" We turned around to see Eric standing there and Alan smiled at him, "Hey, Eric, how are you doing?" The three of us sat down and Eric looked at me, "Thank you, for shove me into my dad so I didn't get taken." I nodded, "I'd rather take the risk since I wouldn't be eaten." Eric looked concerned, "Then why do you have bite marks all over you?" I looked at my arms and sides as Eric looked at my face and neck, "The infants were not aware that their parents didn't bring me over to be a meal. So they did some damage before their mother told them."

Eric nodded, "I'm sorry about Billy." I sighed and Alan set a hand on my shoulder, "Do you know what the last thing I said to him was? I said, 'You're as bad as the people who helped my father build this place.' And then he saved my sorry ass. Which wasn't true. Billy was just young and wanted to help Dr. Grant. That's all. I have a theory that there are two kinds of boys. There are those who want to be astronomers and those who want to be astronauts." 

Eric listened and Alan added, "The astronomer or the paleontologist gets to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety." Eric smiled, "But then you never get to go into space." I nodded, "Exactly. It's the difference between imagining and seeing. To be able to touch them. And that's all Billy wanted. 

I closed my eyes and leaned against Alan. Eric whispered, "Dr. Grant. Mrs. Malcolm." We both stood up and looked into the meadow at the herbivores that gathered near the river. I smiled at the friendly dinos and Eric looked at me, "Can you talk to them?" Alan laughed and nodded, "Yeah. Do a roar, see what they do, Dr. Malcolm." 

I giggled and cupped my mouth with my hands, trying to do a similar roar to them. As I did, every single one of them responded and the infants started to squeal with excitement. Eric looked at Alan, "You know something, Mrs. Malcolm." I looked at him and Eric smiled, "Billy was right." I smiled softly and hugged Eric close to me, watching the herbivores call out to me and some came running over.

------------------------That Night----------------------------

Paul stopped the boat, "Listen." I perked up and heard the phone, bolting across the river, and started to dig into the pile of dino shit to find it. I pulled out the phone and Alan coughed, "Jesus. You're taking a bath." Eric called out, "Look out!"

We all looked up and I looked at the dinosaur who stared at me and sniffled around, not interested in the pile of shit. "Motherfucker looked like a steak," I said with a giggle. It started to rain and after we got back on the boat, I washed the phone and my hands off, dialing Ian. Paul looked panicked, "What are you doing!? You only have juice for maybe one call!" 

Ian picked up, "Hello?" I cried out in relief, "Ian! Honey!" Ian sounded panicked, "Clare! What's wrong?!" I sobbed, "You were right! You were right! Call the Coast Guard! Call Owen! Tell Ellie!" Something nudged the boat and the fin dino roared as I dropped the phone and I could hear Ian screaming over the phone. 

We all panicked and got in the cage.


Ian's POV

"Clare!" I screamed into the phone as I heard the roaring of a dinosaur that sounded bigger than a T-Rex. I looked at Kelly, who looked terrified, "Call Ellie from another phone! Tell her that Clare's in trouble. Tell her to call the Navy and tell Owen what happened!" Kally froze in fear and I shook her shoulders, "Go, Kelly!" I held the phone back to my ear, "Clare! Clare!" Only for the phone to be hung up. I called back quickly.


Clarissa's POV

I heard the phone and I looked around, "Where's the phone!?" Alan yelled, "Get the phone to Clary!" I reached for the phone as the fin-dino grabbed the cage and dragged it into the water. I answered the phone and started to sob, "Ian. Honey, I love you." Ian panicked, "No. No. No." I screamed into the phone, "The river! Site B! The river!" We finally went underwater and I tried to push the door open, only for it to close again. I saw that Paul was free from it and he started to swim away. 

The fin-dino reached his claws into the cage and I screamed in pain as his claw scratched deep into my side. Alan and Amanda helped me out of the cage and got me onto dry land. Eric put pressure on my side as I groaned in pain. Eric started crying, "She's bleeding too much!" I watched as Paul fell into the water as it was on fire and Eric sobbed into his mother's shirt, "Dad!" Paul came out of the water and looked at his wife, "I'm not going anywhere."

Amanda and Eric ran over to Paul as Alan ran over to me, pressing a shirt to my side and tying a belt around me, "Malcolm is going to be fucking pissed." I took small breaths to calm myself, "Is it bad?" Alan shook his head, "A lot of blood, but it doesn't look too deep. Let's get you up, you might have to be helped while walking, but it will be fine.

I groaned in pain as Alan and Paul helped me walk. 

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