Chapter Two

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Alan and I walked into the bar with Billy and Paul stood up to shake our hands, "Ah. Billy. Dr. Grant. Mrs. Malcolm. Amanda, this is Dr. Grant, Mrs. Malcolm, and Billy." Paul's wife smiled and greeted us as we sat down in the booth. I opted for a chair at the end of the table, Billy tried to take it, but Alan banished him to the inside of the booth.

Paul sat down and smiled, "So what are you boys and lady drinking?" I called out to the bartender, "Make me a Crown Royal Peach with a Sprite!" The bartender nodded and smiled, "You got it, Mrs. Malcolm!" Amanda looks at me, "Are you sure you want to be drinking?" I glowered at her, "If you are insinuating that I'm pregnant, I'm not. I couldn't have children after the event of my father's park and you are calling me fat, we have another problem." Amanda flinched, "Sorry, Mrs. Malcolm." 

Alan shook his head at me, "You're fine, Mrs. Kirby, Billy accidentally activated the flashbacks and Clary always gets snappy after those episodes." I sighed and nodded, "I'm sorry. My son is a Navy SEAL and I'm just a worried mom." Amanda smiled and nodded, "I understand how you feel."

Paul looked at the table, "For our wedding anniversary this year, we wanted to do something really special. Something.." Amanda smiled, "Once in a lifetime." Paul nodded, "So, I've chartered us an airplane to fly us over Isla Sorna. And we would you two to be our guides." I froze in my seat and Alan looked at them like they were crazy. 

Alan smiled, "That's a very kind offer, Mr. Kirby, but I'm a very, very busy man and we just discussed Clary's PTSD about that island and for you to suggest that she would even fly over it is very unsettling. I can recommend a couple of guys who are really highly qualified..." Paul shook his head, "No, no. You two are the best. You two have seen these animals in the flesh and I promise there will be no land contact." 

Alan shook his head, "You wouldn't even get low enough to see anything of interest." Amanda smiled, "See that's the interesting part, because we have permission to fly low." Alan and I looked at each other as Billy asked, "How low?" Paul smiled, "I'm no aviation expert but a heck of a lot lower than anybody else I can tell you." Amanda looked at her nails, "From what I understand, it's pretty much whatever we want." Alan didn't look happy, "Really? That's hard to believe." 

I glared at Paul and Amanda, "Who gave you permission?" Paul waved his hand, "I've made a lot of friends in high places. In this case, the Costa Rican government." Amanda fluttered her eyelashes, "Dr. Grant, Mrs. Malcolm. You have no idea how important it is to us that you come along. It would make all the difference." Alan sighed, "Mrs. Kirby, I-" Paul interrupted, "And of course, we would love to make a contribution to your research here. So, I could write all kinds of numbers on this check, Dr. Grant. Tell me, what's it gonna take?" 

I glared at Alan as he thought about it and he looked at me, "It's only aerial. You will be okay and Ian has nothing to worry about," He then looked at Paul, "We'll pick Clary up in Texas after she informs her husband." Paul and Amanda looked excited and nodded, "Whatever it takes."


I flew back to Texas and got in a cab to come home. I opened the door and Ian was in the kitchen drinking coffee while reading an article. He looked over and smiled, "Hi, honey. You should have said you were done early with Grant. I would have picked you up from the airport." I set everything down and kissed him sweetly and he hummed as he pulled away, "What happened now? You only kiss like that when you want something."

I sighed and sat at the dining room table, "People. People. People. Apparently, this couple came to Alan and me wanting an aerial tour of Isla Sorna." Ian dropped his coffee mug and yelled, "What!?" I nodded, "And the Costa Rican government gave them permission to fly low." Ian smirked at me, "I guess they didn't realize that upon their lie, the Costa Rican government has to contact you to make sure that it's legit within reason." I smirked as well, "You are correct. I put that into effect after we left that horrible place so no one could get there without me knowing and I definitely didn't get a call." 

Ian wrapped his arms around my waist, "And Grant and you said no." I smiled sheepishly, "Grant was offered money for his research and I said I would only come along if I could let you know." Ian stepped away from me and glared, "You can't be insane like your father, Clarissa! You know what we went through there!" 

I nodded, "I know! I wouldn't have agreed to go, but they said there was going to be no ground contact. Flying only. If they wanted to go to land, I would stay here with you. It's a four-hour flight. Nothing more and nothing less." 

Ian sighed and kissed my lips softly, "I can't let you do this. I'll tie you to the bed if needed." I laid my head against his chest, "I'll be fine. It's just a plane. If anything screwy happens, I'll call you and you can then call our son and tell him that his mother was a dumbass and to come pick me up and lecture me." Ian smiled and hugged me tightly, "I can't stop you, can I?" I smiled, "It will only be a plane, sweetheart. I'll be back before you know it." 

Ian looked at me with love in his eyes, "This will sound insensitive, but you know what the best part of us no longer having children?" I looked at him warily, "What?" Ian grinned, "No protection." Ian picked me up, ran upstairs, and I squealed, "Ian! I have to be back at the airstrip in an hour!" Ian smacked my ass, "That gives me forty-five minutes!" 


I sat in the plane, looking out the window as Alan sat beside me, "Alan, they're lying about the government giving permission. If we land, I'm killing someone." Alan smirked, "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I say nothing. Just like Deiter." I grinned, "I didn't kill him!" Alan smirked, "But you sure didn't help them. I'm taking a nap. Don't have too much fun."

I nodded off to sleep as Alan did and boy did I wish that I never got on this plane. 

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