Chapter Eight

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The Next Morning

Alan sat beside me as I closed my eyes, ready for sleep. Alan shook me awake, "Hey, none of that. Mr. Kirby!" Paul came hurrying over and helped me up as Eric came over and we started walking to the coast. Eric asked, "That man you called. How do you know that he can help us?" I chuckled, "He's the one person I can always count on. He's my husband. We have a son who is a Navy SEAL. The moment he hears that we are here and need help, he'll come."

I stopped hobbling against Alan, "Shush. You hear that?" Eric smiled, "The ocean!" Paul smiled and hugged Amanda as Eric and Alan helped me hobble faster to the coast. Everyone screamed as the raptors surrounded us and I groaned, "That's right. The eggs." A raptor shrieked at Alan and Eric, causing them to slowly let me go as they were surrounded. 

I tried to stand up, but crumpled to the ground in pain and a raptor came over, softly nudging my head and snarling at the wound on my side. Alan whispered to Eric, "They're pissed that their mom is hurt." Eric looked panicked, "They won't eat her right?" Alan shook his head, "No. They just want the eggs." 

I slowly opened the bag and the raptors started to shriek excitedly, calling out to their friends. I slowly pulled out the eggs and pushed them out in the open for them to grab. I saw Alan pull out his raptor noise maker and blow into it, causing the raptors to become confused and agitated. Paul whispered harshly, "No, call for help!" Alan changed his pitch and the raptors picked up the eggs upon hearing a helicopter and they took off, leaving us alive. The pack leader looked at me and pressed her head into mine, cooing softly, but then running off.

I groaned as Paul and Alan picked me up and Alan cursed, "She's bleeding through the rag." All of us ran to the beach and saw a man with a megaphone, "Dr.Grant? Dr. Alan Grant? Mrs. Clarissa Malcolm?" Amanda and Eric ran forward, "Stop! That's a bad idea!" I smiled as soldiers came piling out of the vehicles and Eric looked at me, "Wow! He sent the Navy and the Marines!" 

I looked over to see Owen sprinting at me with his squad, "Mom!" I groaned as I shifted and Alan held me up, "Owen, she's hurt bad. She was clawed and we could only do so much!" Owen yelled over the helicopter noise, "Don't worry! We'll take care of her!" Alan and Owen helped me into the helicopter and I smiled looking at Ian, "You can tell me I told you so now." 

Ian hurried over and laid me down on a bed as Owen sat beside him, "I don't want to say that. I was right, but you're okay. What happened to an aerial tour?" I chuckled and pointed at Eric who was sitting close to me with his parents, "Kid wanted to parasail and parents wanted him back." Owen looked at Eric, "What did we learn from this?" Eric looked at him seriously, "If I'm going to break the law, die before anyone can find out?" I chuckled and then groaned in pain, "Not really what I was looking for, but it will do. Owen, thank you for coming." 

Owen held my hand as Ian held my other, "Now when we get home. You are grounded and not allowed to leave the house!" I nodded, "I agree. No complaints!" Ian smiled, "I love you, Clare." I kissed his hand, "I love you, Ian." I looked over to see Billy alive as Owen started to dress my wound, "Holy shit, Billy, you're alive." Billy chuckled, "You made it too." I sighed, "Sorry for being so harsh, Billy. You didn't deserve that." Billy smiled, "No worries. I got the memo."

I looked out the window and groaned loudly, "Jesus, if I see one more dinosaur, I won't be happy." Ian chuckled, "A little too late to be unhappy about that. Your father decided to make this real." I smiled widely, "I found out why the dinosaurs won't harm me, Ian." Ian frowned, "Something crazy John did?" I shook my head with a smile, "Charlotte Lockwood didn't like the odds of my father's creation failing so she implanted my DNA into all the embryos and it created a chain reaction and they think I'm their mother. The rest of the first batch didn't act like that because she implanted the DNA after that batch." 

Ian nodded, "That would explain it, how it was successful, I'll never know. So the canister that Nedry stole, she alters those too?" I nodded, "So whoever has that canister now, is in for a surprise. Owen, please tell me you don't plan on visiting dinos?" 

Owen smiled, "Don't worry, mom. They couldn't pay me enough to even train the damn things." Ian and I chuckled at Owen as he ranted about how the dinosaurs now need to be destroyed to make balance in our world again. 

                          Like father, like son. 

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