Chapter Four

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Clarissa's POV

I panted as I stopped for a moment and looked around, perking up when I saw the research lab they used to grow the dinosaurs. I carefully walked in and looked around, smiling when I saw Charlotte Lockwood's desk. Lottie and I were friends before the hurricane shut down Father's production. She didn't tell me where she worked, but we knew each other from school and because our fathers were friends. I didn't put the pieces together as she video-chatted me, but I have now. I was proud of her for being the first scientist to perform successful reproductive human cloning. I was wary of what that might entail but she video-chatted me and showed me her baby bump. 

I was in awe and squealed in happiness seeing as everyone said you needed a male counterpart for this to happen. This was the change in the century. I see now that at the time it was a great idea, but that was what my father was doing but with dinosaurs. What would the consequences be? I never saw Charlotte again after she called me saying that she was dying from a genetic disorder, but she cured her daughter, Maisie, of it.

Lottie's father and mine had a falling out, so I never got to see Maisie. I tried every phone in the building and every switch to find a little bit of power to call Ian and tell him he was right. I screamed in rage and threw a phone, only to hear it crash into something and a screen kicked on.

"Clarissa Hammond is the greatest mind that I have the pleasure of calling my best friend. What Mr. Hammond is trying to create here sounds wonderful, but the underlying percentage of it failing is great. I know that Mr. Hammond will try and convince Clary to come to this island to see the wonder, but I can't help but feel she will be in danger. So, I've taken it upon myself to take some of Clary's DNA and inject it into every embryo we have. This way it will provide a connection to her and the dinosaurs. They will think she is their mother. No matter the species. So, in the chance I am right, she will not be harmed," Charlotte Lockwood said as she bounced an infant Maisie. 

I sat down in the chair, watching the video log, and teared up, listening to my best friend, "Clary was the only one who said that I could do it. The least I could do was protect her. Clary, if you're listening to this, that means you are on this island. You have the power to control these animals, biologically. Every embryo that was made here, every embryo that Nedry stole has your DNA. The first batch of dinosaurs didn't have your DNA because I didn't think you were there. I didn't think that the T-Rex would do that kind of damage to you, so I fixed the problem. All you have to do is talk to them and it will translate in their brain what you are saying. I've made it that way to protect you. Clary, I know you will never get to meet Maisie, but her full name is Maisie Clarissa Lockwood and she is you're God-daughter. I miss you, sister." 

I sobbed into my hands, regretting not being able to say goodbye to Lottie before she passed. I calmed down and stood up, "That's why the dinos like me. My DNA is part of them. Lottie, you're a genius!" I smiled as I looked around, "Father had no idea, he thought Wu did it, but it was Lottie all along and she took that secret to the grave." I looked to the entrance door, "Alan." I grabbed the picture of Lottie and Maisie from her desk and shoved it into my pocket, running out the door and back to Alan. 


"Eric!" I heard a voice yell and I looked up from the raptor nest that had eggs in them. That sounded close. I stood up and sprinted to the voice, only to slam into Billy. Billy screamed and then looked at me, calming down, "Clary! You scared the shit out of me!" I laughed and Billy hugged me as Alan came running over. "Clary!" Alan hugged me, "You're all right?" I nodded with a wide smile, "Alan, I know why the dinos don't attack me." 

Alan pulled me over to the side, "Why?" I grinned, "My best friend Charlotte Lockwood didn't like the odds of my father's creation failing so she implanted my DNA into all the embryos and it created a chain reaction and they think I'm their mother. The rest of the first batch didn't act like that because she implanted the DNA after that batch." Alan looked amazed, "So the canister of embryos that is missing and with someone, it still has your DNA?" I nodded with excitement, "Yes! No matter who does what with it, I can't be hurt." Alan smirked, "Sounds like you can control them." I nodded, "To an extent. What's going on with you guys?" 

Amanda screamed and ran off as Alan ran over, "What happened?" I looked over and saw a skeleton, "That doesn't look good. Did he die naturally in that position or did something kill him?" Paul called out, "Dr. Grant! Dr. Malcolm!" Billy put the sail in his bag as Alan and I ran over to where Paul was calling. 

I sighed, "Oh, yeah. The Raptor nests. Alan, they won't be gone long." Billy came over and looked at them and I saw that look in his eyes, whispering to Alan, "I don't have a good feeling about this, Alan. We need to go." He nodded and we both hurried off in the opposite direction. I looked behind us and nudged Alan, "Hey, where's Billy?" Alan cursed and started walking back, but Billy came into view as he was adjusting something in his bag. 

I narrowed my eyes at him as Alan sighed, "What were you doing?" Billy looked nervous, "I was photographing the nest." Alan sighed in relief, "Don't do that again. If we lose you, it's just Clary and I with the damn tourists." Alan continued walking and I glared at Billy, who avoided my eyes. 

I know what you have, but you have to learn not to fuck with their babies. 

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