Chapter Six

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The next morning, I woke up and stretched as the Compy's yawned with me. They trilled and nuzzled against me, running off into the jungle to find some food. Eric and Alan got out and I smiled at them, "Welcome to Hell, campers!" Alan laughed and handed me my bag as the three of us continued to trek our way through the jungle. 

We made it to the edge of the cliff and Alan looked through the binoculars, "There's a boat, right alongside the bank of the water. Looks in good shape." Eric was excited as he hugged me, "Rescue boat?" I shook my head, "Just something that was left behind but it floats." Alan stood up and grinned at me, "And until we meet up with your parents for that satellite phone, Dearest Clarissa will call her husband so she can be told 'I told you so' and their Navy SEAL son can come to rescue us."

Eric laughed at my face as I stood there in annoyance and we followed Alan. Eric stopped and he started to smack my arm, "Listen!" I looked around, also hearing the sound, "What the hell?" Eric grinned, "That's my dad's satellite phone!" He then ran off and I looked at Alan baffled, running after Eric. Alan called out, "Wait a minute! How do you know!?" Eric kept running, "Kirby Paint and Tile Plus, in Westgate! Dad! Mom!" 

I looked around, "Alan this isn't good!" Alan nodded, "I know! But we have to trust the kid!" We followed Eric to an open area and ran toward the gated area that was huge. I stood behind Alan as Eric reunited with his parents. Alan looked at Billy with scorn in his eyes but shook his hand to not give away he was pissed.

"How did you know we were here?" Paul asked and Eric smiled, "The phone! That stupid jingle from the store. I heard it." I saw the look on Paul's face and realized that he didn't have the phone. I turned around and froze in place, seeing the fin dino behind us and the phone ringing in his stomach. 

I whispered to Alan, "Fucking run." Eric, Alan, and I took off down the fence to find a hole and I jumped through just in time for the dinosaur to almost get me. We stood there catching our breath until fin boy decided to break free of the fence. I yelped and ran behind everyone as we made it into another lab building. 

I stood there watching as the dinosaur tried to get in, but had no luck. I narrowed my eyes, why did he not try to get in here when he completely body-slammed the fence? Those bars wouldn't have held him. Billy looked at me as I walked around the room, "Clarissa, you want to give me the bag back?" Alan stood beside me and stared at Billy, "It's okay, Billy, she's got it." 

Billy snapped, "Please, give me the bag. It's not safe" I glared at him, "Why? So you can take your science experiment home? Everything on this island is mine by law. Including the eggs you stole. This is why the raptors are after us, you stole their eggs." Billy sighed, "I swear, if I had known you would have ended up with them-" 

I cut him off, raising my voice, "You would be killed! The raptors will kill you, everyone here!" Billy looked away, "I took them on an impulse. I thought they'd be worth a fortune. Enough to fund the dig site for another ten years. I'm sorry, Clary. You have to believe me, it was a stupid decision but I did it with the best intentions." 

I snapped at him, "It's Mrs. Malcolm to you, Billy. Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best intentions. This park is an example. My best friend planted my DNA into every embryo that my father made and they think I'm their mother. That's with the best intentions that has actually worked! You guys will be alive with my help. As far as I'm concerned, you're no better than the people who helped my father build this place." 

I put the bag back on my shoulder and Paul looked at me, "What are you doing?! Those things are after us because of those!" I nodded, "Those things know we have the eggs, if I get rid of them, they'll still be after you guys." Paul looked at me, "What if they catch us with them?" 

I looked at him, "What if they catch us without them? There's a boat down at the bottom, just downriver. We can try and make it to the coast, at least." We walked down the spiral staircase and I looked around, "Creepy shit." It was foggy and spooky down here. I stopped at the lowest part I could go and I looked at a platform leading us to the other side. 

Alan walked over to another set of stairs and I just looked away, "I wouldn't go to those." Alan took one step and the whole staircase collapsed into the river below. Alan looked at me, "I'm so listening to you from now on." Paul nodded, "Ditto." Alan and Paul went to walk across the platform but it shook and Alan looked at Paul, "Let's do this one at a time shall we?" 

Alan walked across and then called back, "All right! Come on over!" Amanda kissed Eric's head, "All right. I'm going to leave you just for a minute and then you'll be right behind me with Mrs. Malcolm, okay?" Eric nodded and hugged my waist tightly as I placed my arm around his shoulders, "Mom. I've been alone in a water truck for eight weeks. I think I can manage the next two minutes without you." I whistled and looked at Paul, "You'll either have to kick him out of the house after this or try to keep him in. I'm not sure." Paul chuckled at me and nodded, "It's a fifty-fifty shot isn't it?" 

Amanda walked over to the other side and called out, "Okay, Eric! You and Mrs. Malcolm come on over!" I smiled at Eric and we walked over together, him still attached to my waist. Eric hasn't left my waist since finding out the dinos love me. We walked across the platform but stopped when something crashed into it, making the platform wobble. Eric looked at me as I froze in fear, "I really hope that's your dad making a joke." 

Eric called out, "Mom?" Eric and I looked forward to seeing a Pteranodon and Eric screamed in dear. I pushed him forward to have him start running and I shoved Eric into his father as the Pteranodon dug his claws into my shoulders and flew off with me. "Clary!" Alan yelled out as Eric screamed, "Mrs. Malcolm!" 

I struggled to get free from the Pteranodon, "Let me go, you big bird!" The Pteranodon dropped me by the nest and the babies started nipping at my skin, making me yelp and bleed. Their mother growled out to them and they stopped, looking at me with their beady eyes, realizing that I wasn't food. 

I looked around and stood up, running and jumping across the rocks to get away from them. The babies followed me in an excited frenzy and I looked over to see Billy, "Billy!" Billy yelled out to me, "Hold on!" I looked at the babies and took off my coat, giving it to the babies so they could cuddle with it and Billy came at me, "Jump! Now, Clary!" I jumped and latched onto Billy's waist, holding on as he flew us away from the Pteranodon infants. 

I looked behind us and my eyes widened in fear, "Billy! They don't like you touching me!" Billy flinched as a Pteranodon flew past him, "They'll just have to get over it and realize that you can't stay here and mother them!" I looked up and saw a Pteranodon rip the sail and I cursed, "Son of a bitch! Billy this isn't good!" 

We got over some deep water and Billy looked at me, "You're going to have to let go." I shook my head, "You'll get killed!" Billy sighed, "Everything will be okay! Let go now!" I let go of Billy and started swimming towards the rocks, looking up to see Billy stuck on the rocks, "Billy! Get down!" Alan came running over to me and I grabbed his arms, "Billy. He's across the river." Paul yelled as he followed Alan back towards Billy, "Malcolm! Get Eric and Amanda out of here!" 

I pushed Eric in front of me as he fought me, "What about Billy!" I shoved him harder, "Go with your mother!" 

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