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Hello fellow Wattpadders! Today we have ella_rowan with us, the author of the book, Raven and Rue.

I am Abhipreeti (_abhipreeti_), and I have interviewed Ella Rowan, a.k.a, ella_rowan.

Ella Rowan has a perfectly nice life in a sunny seaside town, but for some reason needs to escape into fantasy worlds of her own imagination

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Ella Rowan has a perfectly nice life in a sunny seaside town, but for some reason needs to escape into fantasy worlds of her own imagination. She is made from the stars, like everything else, and is determined to finish Proust's In Search of Lost Time no matter how long it takes. Her favourite colour is lilac.

At what age did you realize that you have a special place for writing? Are you currently or do you ever dream of one day being in the writing industry?

>>I started writing poems and stories when I was in primary school, and have a degree in Creative Writing. I have had my work published in magazines, and I have also been the editor of a few small literary magazines (and one based around community health).

Did any story, on or off Wattpad, ever inspire you and help you carve your interest towards writing books?

>>When I was eight I read an old book about a boy who receives a magic potion which gives him wings. It was the first book which made me think I might be able to write a completely imaginary story.

What is the genre(s) in which you mostly write your books? Do you think you are able to create brilliant plots when you write in that specific genre(s)?

>>I mostly write light fantasy romances. My books aren't heavily reliant on plot, but are more character-based.

What advice would you like to give to authors who are writing in the same genre(s) as yours?

>>I can only tell them what I like to read - something different from everything else, with a new slant on popular tropes, interesting characters, and a unique narrative voice.

Do you have any favourite quote or quotes from your book?

>>My favourite line from Raven and Rue is, 'The rabbits all ran away, and the smell of the bluebells grew ever more heavenly, until Pip was almost dizzy from it.'

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

> By then I hope to have completed the sixth book in the Lindensea series. I would also like to try my hand at a historical romance some time.

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