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Jeongguk is standing outside of his dad's office, now after what seems like eternity he finally knocked the door and heard a quite "come in" from behind the closed door.

"Yes dad? " he asks entering the room.

"Oh kook what took you so long son" Mr jeon asks closing his laptop and gesturing his son to take a seat in front of him.

"Oh nothing dad its just mom forgot to tell me you called and told me just a min ago" he says, scratching the back of his head not meeting his dad's eyes.

"Is that so son? " hyungsik asks quirking his one eyebrow well he knows his son too well.

"Alright, actually I want to ask you something, no actually I want to say that you have to take the head alpha post as soon as possible, I know its going to be quite tough to manage with all your ceo duties but you kno-"

jeongguk cut him off in between he knows where this conversation is going.

"Dad you know that's not the thing, I'm ready for this but".

Well yeah he is ready for the post of head alpha but he knows according to jeons family rituals the alpha needs a luna to rule by their side and he is not ready to even think about someone who's not him he can't get ready for this not today not tomorrow never.

"I know kook, I know everything I think, I think you should try to move on its for your own good son I told you this thousands of time and still telling you that I just want you to meet Mr Park's daughter once" he says, irritation visible in his voice.

"Dad I can't you kno-"

"Atleast you could try"

"As a father I just want you to be happy you can't always be like this kook"

"Dad da-d please give me s-ome time he will understand one day for sure" he stuttered while saying.

"How much time kook how long you are going to wait for him and that on without any hope, FOR GOD SAKE HE IS IN A RELATIONSHIP KOOK, hyungsik shouted his voice booming in the silent room.

"Yea-h in a relationship with a person he doesn't even love, he's too navie dad and I can wait for him my entire life" he says voice muffled a lump forming in his throat and just like that a lone tear escaped from his eye.

Well no one is going to believe that the Jeon Jeongguk, on top of that a true blood whose eyes that are always blank, whose face always emotionless is here sitting in his father office fighting the urge to cry and is drowning in the sea of emotions just for a mere boy, for a boy who didn't even have slightest idea of the other's feelings.

But that mere boy is jeongguk's whole world.

"Okay then One month kook that's it" he said with finality.

"Okay dad"






Jeongguk is sitting in his office doing some paper work, he really need to divert his mind from the conversation he had with his dad in the morning, so what's better than digging in a whole lot of papers but suddenly his phone ding indicating he received a message.

A smile appear on his gloomy face when he saw who messaged him.


Kookie when are you coming back?

What's wrong pup, you need anything?


Yeah bring icecrems, some chocolates, noodles,and chips on your back home🥺

Okay okay I got it pup anything else?


Nah just come as soon as possible I really miss you.

On my way miss you too love.

He smiled while putting his phone aside and again drowning in his work.

Its late at night when he comes back home from office and went to kitchen to put the icecream tubs in fridge and rest of the things on kitchen counter, then he directly head to tae's room.

He knocked the door and heard "come in"

"Tae" he said looking at the boy.

"Kookie you are late" tae said getting up from the bed and runs to the door to hug him, his lips forms in a pout.

"I'm sorry pup a sudden urgent meeting came up" he said while hugging the boy back and kissing his forehead.

"Wait here's your chocolates and about ice creams I put them in fridge, want to have some right now? " he asks while putting a strand of hair behind tae's ear.

"Ofcourse cmon lesgo" taehyung face light up as he dragged jeongguk all the way to kitchen. "Kookie get two bowl from that cabinet I can't reach there" he said pointing to the said cabinet cutely.

"Yes my love" jeongguk says and taehyung just giggled at the older.

Now they both are sitting in the balcony outside taehyung's having some chit chat from here and there. Well this is the time of the day for which jeongguk eagerly waits ,he always look up to spend some time with him doesn't matter if he is totally exhausted from his office work he never misses to cherish some moment with him, the love of his life.

"So why sudden ice creams and chocolates?" Jeongguk asked shutting his own thoughts and running his fingers on the boys hair.

Tae is hugging him with his head on his chest and playing with his shirts button. Oh jeongguk didn't even changed from his formal suit how eager.

"Periods" he said while snuggling more to his chest.

"Oh, is it hurting too much are your legs sore do you want me to bring anything else,how about pain killers" jeongguk asks concern laced in his voice.

He knows how tough this time of the month is for younger with constant mood swings, legs and body sore, gloomy face and food cravings periods are literally pain in the ass.

"Its quite ok no-"

"Oh just wait here I'll be back in a minute" jeongguk cut him off in middle and got up.

Tae just sat their pouting coz of losing the older's warmth. He wants cuddles after all.

Jeongguk came back what seems like 20 min with a hot water bag pack in his hand, he gesture the younger to lay down a little, now his back resting on jeongguk's chest.

"C'mon let's put it here" he said while putting the hot bag on tae's lower stomach.

Tae sighed feeling better than before now and suddenly getting sleepy.

"Thank you kookie" he said in his drowsy state eyelids getting heavy and snuggled to jeongguk's warmyh more if that's possible.

After sometime when jeongguk looked down tae is fast asleep with is cheeks squished on his chest looking all cute and adorable he just smiled and kissed his forehead, so he just grab him in his arms protectivly and went to younger's room to put him in bed.


Stay happy and healthy 💜

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