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"Kookie you didn't told me that there's a hidden place on our tree house" Taehyung says, sulking with a pout on his face.

"I'm sorry pup" Jeongguk says meekly, scracthing the back of his nape.

They both were going downstairs, as jeongguk told him that there's a hidden place behind the tree.

"Careful there pup" Jeongguk says holding the others hand tightly when he saw how taehyung mis balanced for a second.

"Kookie the person you love is there?but it's 3:15 in the morning - "Taehyung says, with a sour mood.

" Wait did you hide them here? " Oh my god this can't be-"

"Pup, can you please wait for a bit" Jeongguk says, he's already so nervous his heart is literally pounding and on top of that taehyung's ranting is not at all helping.

"Alright" Taehyung says in a meek voice.

Am I being annoying?

"Okay, come inside" Jeongguk says, opening the lock and holding his hand out for taehyung.

Taehyung smiled and put his hand onto jeongguk's warm ones. This feeling is so surreal. He really wanted time to stop, he didn't wanted to see the person whom jeongguk loves, cause it's going to break his heart once again but again sometimes you have to sacrifice your happiness for the person you love. All you want is that person to be happy, even if you are not a part of their happiness.

When taehyung entered the room it was all dark, but all of a sudden the room brighten with the illuminating lights and when he took the note of his surroundings, his hand flew to his mouth, muffling an involuntary gasp, the view in front of him stole the air from his lungs leaving him breathless.

"Kook-ie is thi-s wh-t" Taehyung stutter so badly, it seems like he's choking on his own words.

"This is the place where I feel the most elated, this is the place where i can really be myself without hiding anything from anyone, cause it's my own space where I can feel you, where I believe you are with me, where I believe that we'll be always together,this place gives me the presence of my love you" Jeongguk says, pointing towards his surrounding with a sad smile on his face.

A room full of taehyung's paintings and canvases hanging on the wall, scattered all over the place, some are still resting upon the easel waiting to be completed,a place where you can find only one person taehyung.

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