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The sound of chalk tapping was heard as Natasha, Five and Zach have writing down so many equations, that they almost filled all the walls.

Five was multilingual. He educated himself in the apocalypse. He lived in a library in the apocalypse. He taught himself mathematical and experimental scientific things in regards to time and understanding how his powers work.

Natasha have always being good at equations and when Zach was old enough, they taught him.

"No Dad, that needs to be 0.23 not 2.3" Zach said to his dad "That actually makes sense, thanks Buddy" he said "And then you have switched two numbers and you forgot to put point three in it" Natasha said "Where?" Five asked as he looked at the equations "There" she said as she pointed on one of the equations on the wall "You need to switch five and nine. So nine is first and then put a point three after five and then divide it" she said "Thanks Love" he said as he did what she said.

Zach was standing on his bed writing down equations on the wall "Oh" he said as he realized the equations he have writing "Okay, I think I've got something" he said and the couple rushed over before they jumped up on the bed to stand next to Zach, looking at the equations "I think that's it. You are a genius as always, Zach" he said "Like father, like son" Natasha said as she also looked at the equations "Well, it's tenuous, but promising" Five said as the sound of footsteps approaching was heard and Luther entered the room.

"What is all this?" he asked as he was looking around at all the equations that was writing all over the walls.

"It's a probability map" Five answered as the family was still looking at the equations "Probability of what?" Luther asked as he walked farther into the room.

"Of whose death could save the world" Zach replied as he glanced at Luther before looking back at the equations "We've narrowed it down to four" Natasha said as Five was tapping a circled with the chalk "Are you three saying one of these four people causes the apocalypse?" Luther asked "No, we're saying that their death might prevent it" Natasha said "Listen better Luther" Zach said "Oh" Luther said confused.

The three then continued to write on the walls causing the chalk to start tapping on the blackboard.

Luther then leaned closer "I'm not following" he whispered and Zach and Natasha rolled their eyes "I think all that time on the moon has slow down his brain" Zach said before Five turned to face Luther.

"Time is fickle, Luther. The slightest alteration in events can lead to massively different outcomes in the time continuum" he started "The butterfly effect and that means that even the smallest thing can have the biggest effect" Zach said "So all we have to do is find the people with the greatest probability of impacting the time line, wherever they may be, and kill them" Natasha said and Five jumped down from the bed before he grabbed a notebook and a pen, writing down the equations while Luther nodded but in a way like he wasn't sure if he understand it or not.

The Assassin family (Five Hargreeves)Where stories live. Discover now