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Yn pov

I was walking towards our university while smiling as I was thinking about him .....

Although we are rich but I like to live simple and normal life , so as a result I go to my uni by walking .....

Today weather was really nice . Fresh air was making our mind relax .....

As it was still early , so there was not much crowd or vehicles ....

It was really nice , to be away from the noisy voices of people ....

Suddenly I startled when my sister said .....

Iseul : ohh !!! Someone is lost in the thoughts of him , huh !!

She said teasingly as she knew about him . She knows every secret of mine .....

She is the only one who knows about my feelings towards him ....

By listening her , my cheeks turned red because of shyness ......

Yn : I-Its not like that , Iseul .....

I stammered which is my habit when I lie ....

She raised her brow at my reply and again teased me ....

Iseul : Is that so ?? Then why are you stammering .....

Yn : shut up !! Let's go or else we will be late for uni ......

Iseul : You mean we will be late to meet him .....

Yn : Shut up !!!

" Seriously , she is such a tease !! "

Like this playing and teasing each other , we reached uni .....


Hello guys 🥰

Take care 💞

Good bye !!

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