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" I love you but , letting you go " 💜

-- Time skip --

~~ Next morning 🌻 ~~

I wake up from sleep ......

I got up from bed and went to do my morning routine ...

I put some makeup as my eyes were red puffy and swollen due to crying ......
Because of crying so much , my eyes were paining along with my head .....

I choose my outfit as I have to go uni today .....


I went downstairs and did my breakfast and left for my uni without my sister

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I went downstairs and did my breakfast and left for my uni without my sister ....
As I thought to ignore her to control myself  for sometime .....

I was walking while thinking about happened yesterday . Suddenly I hit  something hard .....

I looked up and saw the person whom I didn't wanted to meet ...... It was Tae .....

Tae : Hi , Yn-ahh !! Where are you going ??

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Tae : Hi , Yn-ahh !! Where are you going ??

He asked me smilingly .....

Yn : umm ...... Hello !! Well , I am going to uni ......

Tae : ohh ..... Well--

I cut off him and faked a smile on my face ....

Yn : ohh !! Iseul is at home as I want to go early today ...... Also congrats for your m-marriage .....

I stammered while saying that marriage word ..... But it was good that he didn't noticed ......

I bid him goodbye quickly and ran away leaving dumbfounded Tae .....

I walked fast as I didn't wanted to be hurt by seeing him .....

~~ Tae pov ~~

Tae : what happened just now ?? Aish this girl ....... What happened to her now ?? WAIT !! Did she just said " my marriage " ?? What the f*ck !! What was she even talking about ???

I was hella confused ......

" My marriage " " congratulations "

What was wrong with her mind today ??

I shooked my head and went inside ....

~~ An pov ~~

Yn reached her uni and took her belongings from her locker .....

Then went inside her classroom ....

Whole day she ignore her sister and Taehyung .....


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