Wedding Day

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" Love is a thing that is
full of cares and fears "💜

~~ Wedding Day ~~

I wake up and saw my eyes were again puffy and red .......

I promise myself that today is the last day I cried for him .....

Tomorrow I would move to abroad and forgot him forever .....

I choose my outfit and  did some makeup to hide my swollen face ......



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went downstair and saw our parents and his parents were sitting there  tensed ....

I was confused that why were they like this ?? Shouldn't they be happy ??

I went towards them and ask confusingly .....

Yn : Mom , dad ?? What happened ?? Why are you all like this ??

Mr Jeon : Yn , my dear !! Iseul ran away .....

Yn : WHAT ?? But why didn't she loved Tae ??

Many questions roamed in my mind ....

" She said herself that she loved him ? " " Why did she ran away ?? "   " If she loved someone , she could have told us , right ?? "

I came out of my thoughts when Tae said ......

Tae : No ..... She loved someone else !!

Tae appeared out of nowhere

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Tae appeared out of nowhere ......


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