How it began

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It was a beautiful morning. She woke with the sound of birds in her ears and her brother walking out of the front door, probably for his morning smoke. Opal walked into the kitchen and began making breakfast for the two of them. She heard Bilbo talking to someone but chose to ignore it.

He came in calling out "we do not want any adventurers here, thank you! Not today! I suggest you try somewhere over the hill or across the water! Good morning!" Then shut the door furiously.

"Good morning, who was that." She asked setting a plate down at his seat.
  "No one." He stated simply.
  "We'll it didn't sound like no one." She chuckled.
  "It was no one." He insisted.

They sat and ate breakfast together. They talked about the weather and plans that they had for the day, which were very few.


As night fell they both sad down and began eating supper when there was a ring at the door. "Were you expecting someone?" She asked.
  "No, were you?"
She shook her head in response. Bilbo stood and walked to the door opening it in confusion. "Dwalin at your service." Said a deep, gruff voice. Bilbo was quiet for a moment.
"Bilbo Baggins, at yours."
The man or might I say dwarf walked in without invitation.
"S-sorry do we know each other?" The hobbit asked.
"No. Which way, laddie? Is it down here?"
"Is what down where?"
Dwalin took off his coat and handed it to Bilbo. "Supper. He said there would be food."
The bald dwarf then walked into the dining room where Opal Baggins was sitting in confusion. He gave her a small bow. "Dwalin, at your service."
"He said? who said?" Bilbo muttered
"Opal, at yours." She replied kindly.

Dwalin was sitting in front of Opal scarfing down Bilbos plate of food.
"Very good, this. Any more?"
She slid her plate of food towards him. He nodded a thanks.
"It's just we weren't expecting company-" The male hobbit was cut off by the sound of the doorbell.
"That'll be the door." Dwalin said with food still in his mouth.
Bilbo rushed to the door.

Opal sat in-front of Dwalin and watched him eat. She was in slight shock but she found it very amusing to see him eat in such a way.

Bilbo walked in with an older dwarf with a white beard. "Balin at your service."
"Opal. Nice to meet you." She replied with a smile.
"Oh evening brother!" The white haired brother said cheerfully.
"By my beard, you are shorter and wider than last we met."
"Wider, not shorter, but sharp enough for the both of us."
The brothers laughed and hit there heads together.
"I'll get some ale." Opal said with a chuckle.
"Don't encourage them." Bilbo whispered to her.


The doorbell was rang again. Opal could hear two younger sounding voices.
"And Kili."
"At your service." They said in unison.
Bilbo told them that they could not come in but the dark haired (the color almost matched hers) one put his foot in the door.
"Has it been cancelled."
"No one told us."
" Canceled? No nothing has been canceled, please come in. don't mind my brother." Opal said moving Bilbo out of the way. The two boys came in with smiles and both kissed her on the back of the had with a bow.

"Careful with these, we just had them sharpened." Fili told the very stressed out hobbit and handed him their weapons. Kili then began rubbing his shoe on the box next to the door in the hallway. " that's my mothers glory box, could you please not do that!" Bilbo said frantically.
"Fili, Kili, come on, give us a hand!" Dwalin told them.
" let's shove this in the hallway otherwise We'll never get everyone in."
" Everyone? how many more are their" Opal asked excitedly.
"Not many lass." Balin replied.

The doorbell rang once again.
" no! there is nobody home! Go and bother somebody else! there's far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is. If this is some clotterd's idea of a joke, I can only say that it is in very poor taste."
Opal peaked into the hallway and watched as many more dwarves fall to the floor .
"Gandalf." Bilbo says.


The house is in a frenzy. Dwarves are walking around everywhere and eating all of the food. "That's a tad excessive, don't you think? Don't you have a cheese knife?" Bilbo asked.
"cheese knife? He eats it by the block." The one they called Bofur replied laughing.
They all worked together and set the table.
One dwarf asked the old wizard if he would go for a cup of tea and Gandalf respectfully declined and instead asked for wine.
"Miss would you like some?" He asked the girl.
"That would be lovely." She smiled. His face lit and he gave her a cut of tea.

The table was a rowdy and covered in food as they feasted cheerfully. They all chugged ale and let out loud burps.
  "I don't like this. Not one bit." Bilbo said, sweating.
  "Oh relax. We have the money for more and they all look as if they've traveled far." Opal attempted to calm him.

"Sorry I hate to interrupt, but where would you like me to put my plate." A younger looking dwarf, Ori, asked politely.
"Here you go,Ori, give it to me" Fili called out.

They all began throwing around the dishes and singing. Practically giving Bilbo a heart attack. Opal clapped along and sang the part of the song she knew, "That's what Bilbo Baggins hates!" She said with a loud chuckle.
Gandalf turned to her and asked her, "could you go to my coat and get my pipe."
"Sure Gandalf." She replied.

Then there was a loud knock at the door that silenced everyone.
"He is here."

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