Green food

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A kind female elf by the name of Arwen had pulled her aside and asked if she would like a bath. Opal agreed eagerly.

Arwen took her up a flight of stairs and into a beautiful room with a bath in the middle.
"I'll find you a dress and have your other clothes cleaned before dinner is over." The kind woman assured her.
"Thank you." Opal said, then was left alone in the bathing room.

She took off her muddy clothes and heavy boots then sunk into the warm water with a satisfied sigh. It had been a bit since she bathed, the last time being when Thorin had helped her, though she tried to forget this memory.

The way he held her waist and pulled her so close to him. She was bare under a blanket and he hadn't even realized until he knew she would be safe. Then she thought of the blush when he did realize what she lacked to wear. She laughed at the image of him all flustered.

Opal Scrubbed her scalp with a sweet smelling soap and rubbed her skin until there was no sign of mud. She stepped out of the run and dried off. Arwen gave her a gorgeous deep blue dress and offered to do her hair in some braids, keeping most of her curls down.

"Try it. Just a mouthful." Dori tried.
"I don't like green food." Ori shook his head.
"Where's the meat?" Dwalin asked, looking through a bowl of salad.
That's what Opal heard as she came into the dining area.

She chuckled at their childishness. No one had quite seen her yet as she stood in the doorway admiring the bright place. She had seen Kili talking to Dwalin about something then the company all laughed at him.

There's tables sat in the room. A round one at the head of the room where Elrond, Gandalf, and Thorin sat.
"Opal!" Bilbo called for her. She blushed at the sudden attention drawn to her. She walked in, trying to go unnoticed, but some still watched.

Kili and Fili smirked at the sight of her and Balin spoke to her as she walked next to him to sit. "You look lovely dear." She kissed his cheek and said a sincere thank you. Just as she went to sit next to her brother, Thorin called out her name.

"Opal." He said. She looked over her shoulder at him. He looked at the chair next to him then turned back to his conversation.
"It's best you go dearie." Balin told her. She looked at him nervously. walking up to the table she put on a graceful smile.

"Ah I see you've taken advantage of our baths." Lord Elrond smiled at her.
"Yes! It was a breath of fresh air to get away from my smelly group of dwarves." She replied. Gandalf, Elrond, and Opal laughed. "Though I can't say I smelt any better, thank you for your hospitality." She thanked.
"Say nothing of it." He remarked, then began speaking to Gandalf.

Thorin stared down at the girl. Woman. She looked like a woman to him now. Not just a girl in the company. He had noticed this yes, still thinking her less capable as the others. But She was a woman, a gentle, loyal, pure, woman.

He thought of what to say. Something to not scare her away or make her blush to harshly. And nothing that didn't feel sincere.

"That color looks perfect on you." He whispered to her, having leaned over a bit so the others wouldn't hear. She turned to face him. A subtle pink hue on her cheeks and nose.
"Thank you." She replied. Thorin stared at her hair as she spoke. Opal moved an escaped piece behind her ear.

Elrond held Thorins blade that he found in the cave.
  "This is Orcrist, the goblin-cleaver, a famous blade, forged by the high elves of the west. My kin." He said, handing it back to the king. "May it serve you well."
Thorin gave him a curt nod.
"And this is Glamdring, the foegammer, sword of the king of Gondolin. These swords are made for the goblin wars of the first age."

Opal looked over her shoulder at where her axe, Thorin had given her, stood.
"That is your axe at the door?" Elrond Asked her. She nodded.
"It is a woman's weapon."
"What do you know of her?" Opal asked.
"She was a half breed, Human and Dwarf. There was a war that many other races stayed out of. When the men of her city left there was no one to fight in the battles surrounding them. She gathered the windows and childless and led them to war. They saved many those cold months."

"How did you come by these?" The elf asked.
Opal had reached for a piece of bread at the same time Thorin had, there arms touched and she moved hers back to rest in her lap. Thorin took a roll and sat it on her plate.

  "We found them in a troll-hoard on the great east road. Shortly before we were ambushed by orcs." Gandalf explained. Thorin held a hard glare on the old wizard.
  "And what were you doing on the great east road?" Elrond asked. Thorin stood and excused himself. Gandalf looked to Opal. She knew this meant to follow him.

They both walked over to the edge of the room and stood, watching the others. There were some very loud complaints from the others until Bofur stood on the table and began singing.

Gandalf sat in embarrassment as the dwarfs all sang along, some throwing food at one another, but Thorins face lit up as he drank and slightly danced. Opal laughed at clapped, even singing a bit. Once the song was over they all laughed and Bofur took a bow.

Opal nudged Thorin and pointed at an appalled looking elf. He laughed then Gandalf approached.
  "They have made a place for you all to sleep, join us tonight." He informed the king.

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