Can't Be Away From Each Other

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The next morning, Jimin woke up first and felt Yugyeom still next to him, laying close but not touching him. He slowly opened his eyes then looked next to him to see Yugyeom, still asleep, facing him. Jimin turned over onto his side then poke Yugyeom on the nose and Yugyeom didn't move or wake up, still snoring a little bit as both of the Jeon brother's snore so Jimin gave him another poke on the nose. This time Yugyeom did react and wiped away whatever was itching his nose as he woke up a little bit. Jimin laughed a little then did it again making Yugyeom leave out a little grunt as he rolled onto his back.

"Yugyeom. Wake up." Jimin says and Yugyeom shook his head. "Yes! It's almost 11 am. We have to wake up if you want me to make egg bread." Jimin says and Yugyeom eyes opened right up then Yugyeom turned his head to look at Jimin as Jimin laughed a little at his reaction.

"I'm up." Yugyeom says as Jimin chuckled.

"Thank you for staying with me." Jimin says as he sat up in bed.

"It's fine. You actually kept me warm last night." Yugyeom says as Jimin smiled as he scratched his arms and back.

"Well you're welcome." Jimin says and Yugyeom chuckled. "At least you didn't sleep walk or sleep talk so we both got some sleep."

"Hey, I don't do it all the time!" Yugyeom whined as he does sleep walk and sleep talk sometimes but Jimin just laughed then headed to the bathroom.

Once Jimin was out of the bathroom, it was Yugyeom's turn to go in the bathroom as Jimin and Kosmos went downstairs so Kosmos can go outside and Jimin could make breakfast. Jimin started to make breakfast until he heard footsteps behind him and he looked to see Yugyeom and Namjoon, talking.

"Morning." Namjoon says, smiling at Jimin who smiled back.

"Good morning. I am making egg bread and waffles." Jimin said and Namjoon nod his head.

"Sounds good. Jin is taking a bath. His back is sore." Namjoon says and Jimin nodded his head.

"Don't blame him. He has a lot of weight in the front." Yugyeom says as he sat down on a stool and Namjoon got some coffee to drink.

"Yeah and he knows that but he wants to do things." Namjoon says as he leaned against the island, facing Yugyeom.

"He is nesting that's all." Jimin says, confusing Yugyeom but Namjoon agreed with him, nodding his head as he understood what Jimin was talking about.

"What the fuck does that mean? He is not a bird!" Yugyeom says, making Namjoon chuckled as Jimin was about to throw the spatula at him.

"Jimin." Namjoon says as Yugyeom ducked behind the island, seeing how Jimin was about to throw something. "Nesting means he wants everything perfect for the baby." Namjoon explained and Yugyeom nodded his head as he understood what it meant now as he sat back up in his chair.

"It's the burst out energy he gets. It's a very strong instinct for pregnant people." Jimin explained more as Yugyeom looked over at him.

"Ohh okay. I get it now. I forget you went to those classes Jimin." Yugyeom says and Jimin looked over at him.

"Just because I have a dick and balls don't mean I can't have kids. I have a womb in here!" Jimin says, pointing to his stomach as Namjoon and Yugyeom laughed as Namjoon shook his head at already having to deal with the two.

"Okay tone down the sassy ness please." Namjoon says, looking at Jimin.

"Sorry sorry." Jimin says and Namjoon gave him a nod. "Yugyeom feed Kosmos please." Jimin said.

"I can do that." Yugyeom says then brought Kosmos into the house and gave her food and water.

Once Jin joined them, Jimin was done cooking so they all sat down and ate. After awhile about an hour, Jimin went upstairs to take a shower as his feet were still a little dirty from playing in the yard yesterday night. Not knowing about 5 minutes later after he went upstairs that someone pulled into the driveway. Yugyeom and Namjoon were cleaning up the kitchen as Jin was sitting down on a stool, drinking some coffee watching Kosmos when Namjoon and Yugyeom heard the camera notification go off telling them that there was movement outside. All three of them looked at the camera to see the car they all know and can recognize easily.

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