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𝙰𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚊 𝙱𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚍

"You got to stay still baby

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"You got to stay still baby. I'm almost done." I said parting the last section of Kimora's hair. I had work in a few hours and I was getting ready to drop her off at my parent's house.

"But it hurts." She cried.

"This the last one." I said trying to comfort her before I started braiding her hair. She usually wasn't this difficult but I don't know what was going on with her today.

My daughter was about to turn four soon. She was starting school in a few months and I knew I was going to cry like a baby. These past few years been decent. I wasn't able to get a four year degree but I managed with a two year one in business with a minor in communications. I worked at a small office downtown which paid well so I couldn't really complain much. I was 22 so I felt like I was doing a pretty good job considering my situation.

My parents reacted badly to the news of me getting pregnant, but they still supported me throughout the nine months and I'm beyond grateful for that. It was hard going through my pregnancy in secret and alone, I hated it so much and I vowed to never have another kid. It all didn't really matter once I had Kimora that winter. Many would argue she looked just like her dad, well anyone would. I was a darktoned woman with soft features where Kimora shared her dad's almost perfect eyebrows, his round nose and overall perfect facial features, and not to mention she was lighter skinned.

As for Kimora's dad, we haven't spoken since the night before I blocked him. I felt bad at times for keeping him away from her but sometimes I thought it was best, I was always seeing Kay on the news for getting arrested and I just didn't want my baby going through that. She always asked about her dad and I never really knew what to say. It was kind of like I dug up a hole for myself and there wasn't any way out of it. I knew it was wrong and he deserved to know but I just couldn't get myself to tell him.

My love life hardly ever existed. I dated here and there after Kevin but none of them developed into anything serious. Kevin was just a stupid high school first love so it wasn't like I held him to a pedestal or anything.

"All done baby. I laid your clothes out on your bed, go get dressed and I'll go drop you off at Grandmas." I said tapping her. She jumped off the chair and did the dash into her room.

I went over to my room to make sure I had everything packed in her bag. My parents loved Kimora. I usually didn't like having her sleep over but they insisted. Right now my dad was in Haiti handling family business so it was just my mom for right now.

"All done." Kimora came bursting in my room. I signed seeing her shirt on backwards.

"Girl. I knew I should've held you." I laughed, pulling off her shirt, adjusting it. "Here. Now put it on." I handed the shirt to her. I watched her put the shirt on the right way and I handed her the tablet and let her sit at the edge of my bed as I let down the curling pins that was in my hair.

Luckily Kimora was a morning person and didn't mind waking up as early at 6 or 7, so it was easy to get her ready.

"Okay you ready to go baby?"

She jumped off the bed and nodded. "Okay cmon." I said taking my purse throwing it over my shoulder, while holding her bag in the other hand.

I held her hand with my free hand as we walked out of the apartment. We made our way to my car, that I ended up purchasing for myself a year ago. It was a 2022 BMW M4 that I saved up for. I strapped her into the backseat and got into the driver seat.

My parents lived uptown in the Bronx so it was bit much having to go uptown and drive all the way back downtown for work, but gladly she was staying there for a few nights so I couldn't complain. I rubbed my tired eyes as I drove, hearing only the loud noises coming from Kimora's ipad.

After a 20 minute drive to 231st street, we arrived at my parent's house. I took note of the new flowers she had outside by the house, and helped Kimora out the car. She quickly ran to the front, knocking on the door. She loved my mom.

"Who is it?" We heard at the other side of the door.

"Grandma it's me!" She practically yelled.

"Shh don't be yelling. The whole neighborhood sleep right now."

The door swung up revealing my mother.

"Hi grandma!" She ran and hugged her. I smiled at the sight.

"Hi honey." She smiled back at her. She looked at me, giving me a warm smile, before letting Kimora run into the house.

"Kijan ou ye?" (How are you?) She said to me.

"I'm doing good honestly. When's daddy coming back?"

"He said by next week. You need to come around more. Not only when you need to drop her off."

"I try to but if I'm not at work I'm getting sleep on my day off. One of these days I'm going to request a week off work I promise."

"Okay." She rolled her eyes. "I made you some lunch." She said handing me a platter. My mom hardly said I love you to me, she always showed love through cooking and caring for others.

"Thank you." I smiled, putting it into my purse. Plus I really didn't miss eating haitian food everyday.

"When are you coming to get her? I can take her all week."

"Ma no." I laughed. "I can't handle her not being with me for that long. I'll come get her on Tuesday. Call me if anything okay? I have to get to work."

"Okay bye sweetheart." She gave me a warm tight hug before I walked back the steps of her house and walked back to my car.

"Aria?" I heard a voice say. I quickly looked up seeing my bestfriend, Giselle. "You going to work?"

"Yeah I just dropped off Kimora. What you doing here?"

"My man needed me to pick something up for him."

"You a delivery man now?"

"Bitch stop playing with me. Oh so you not going to ask which man?" She rolled her eyes.

"I already know you talking about Dougie which is why I don't ask." I chuckled. "What did you get?"

"I don't even know. He gave me this shit in a bag, with another bag in it." She said making us both laugh.

"I'm having a family cookout one of these weekends, slide. Bring Kimora. My mom miss her. Shit, I miss her."

I let out a laugh, adjusting the zippers to my
purse. "You know you hate kids. That's why don't ever bring her over."

"I do hate kids but that's my niece and she well behaved. Also when are we going to go apartment hunting?"

"You wanna move now? I thought you loved the Bronx."

"Not that much girl I wanna leave this shit. You free Monday?"

"Yeah after work of course. I get off at 3. We can go around the area and see. There's a place in Upper Manhattan I've been looking at."

"Okay so Monday it is."
My apple watch went off which made me go look for the time. It was about to be 8 and I knew the traffic was going to be bad going back downtown.


"Nothing, but I'm going to call you on my break. I gotta go to work babe." I said giving her a hug.

"Okay. I'll send you the details on that cookout coming up."

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