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Since two nights ago Ariana hasn't been herself. During breakfast she barely spoke unless Kimora spoke to her and Kay respected that she might not have wanted to speak to him at the moment so he didn't bother her much. He was currently seated in the living room on his console while Ariana laid down in their bedroom, on her phone. She watched the small clip more than 100 times and she didn't know how to feel.

She really wanted to believe Kay, but she just couldn't. There's no way he forgot he cheated on her with that girl, she thought to herself. Kay still held her at night, kissed her every morning and night, not more than usual but the fact he still did it still made her want to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him.

It wasn't until the sound of a phone dinging making her look at the night stand. It was Kevin's phone. She wasn't one to look through phones but she was on the edge. She looked at the notification seeing it was a text message from an unsaved number. She picked up the phone quickly unlocking and going straight to his messages.

wassup kay, you were good vibes last night...let me know if you ever wanna see me again we can definitely make that happen

The girl heart dropped. She was in disbelief. Although in reality whatever she was thinking, wasn't what had  happened, she was angry. She stormed off to the living room, standing in front of the tatted boy with his phone in her hands.

"Kay what the fuck is this?" 

"Mhm? I'm on the game."

She snatched the controller out his hand and tossed it on the floor harshly, not caring it if had any damages.

"Yo!" He immediately raised his voice. "You good bro?"

"What is this?" She said turning his phone around.

"I don't know. What the fuck is that?" He said taking the phone to read the message for himself.

"Bro it's nothing."

"Nothing Another female texting your phone and you telling me it's nothing?"

"Why the fuck are you throwing my shit across the room?"

"Kevin I'm so serious. Why is this girl texting you? Who's clara?"

"Some bitch I fucked with years ago."

"Yeah 4 years ago."

Kay looked at her confused, seeing the angry expression she had on her face. He finally caught on, remembering he cheated on Ariana with this girl It genuinely meant nothing to him and she was nothing but a quick fling. He mentally cursed to himself knowing how bad of trouble he was in .

"She was at the show last night. She was talking to Setty's girlfriend and she sat next to me, I dipped as soon as she got comfortable. I don't know why she texting me." He got up, getting closer to her in attempt to calm her down.

"You didn't think to tell me any of this?"

"Nothing happened?"

"So what? You see your ex and don't think to tell me? You made it seem like it was some random ass bitch, but you been knew her."

"Ma nothing happened and she's not my ex."

"What she mean can she see you? Why is it that your previous messages with her are deleted? Kay you never delete messages. How she even got your number?"

"I don't know how she got my shit. I haven't spoken to her in years." He said just as surprised as she was.

"This whole shit is weird."

"So what you trying to get at?" He laughed, feeling a type of way.

"I wouldn't hold it past you to cheat or to even cheat on me with her again."

"You about to get me tight. Go take a nap:"

"No we're going to talk about this. What really happened last night?"

"You wanna call Dougie and ask him yourself? Like I said she was with someone in our group, I wasn't even speaking to the bitch. She tried to and I wasn't jacking it."

"You didn't say that the first time?"

"So you think I'm cheating? Bro we been good for a minute now, don't start."

"I don't know what I think."

"Ariana you making shit up out your ass. Since when we even go through each other phones like that?"

"I can do what I want."

"Oh yeah? Well go sit there and let me know when you done because you chatting bullshit."

"I'm chatting bullshit? Do you see what you got other females texting you? Let it be me though, you go out your way to get rid of a man that was actually my boyfriend!" She screamed at him.

"Can you chill? Kimora can hear us."

"I don't care, why is this bitch texting you?"

"I just said I don't know. I don't know how she got my number. I don't know what the fuck you want me to say. Call the number for yourself."

"Why is there another female texting you Kevin?"

"I'm not repeating myself."

"Your stories aren't adding up. I just wanna know the truth." She said surprised at how calm she was.

"I told you the truth." He shrugged. "I don't know what else you want me to say. Like I said call the number."

"I'll call the number when it gets to that. I'm talking to you right now." She said with her hand on her hip.

He exhaled, rubbing his head in stress. "Ariana I did not do no funny shit with that girl. I put that on my life."

"And the fact that you don't even remember you cheated on me with her, shows you're just a hoe ass nigga."

"You knew what I was before you dealt with me. I change for who I want to. I changed for you so shut the fuck up. You really starting to piss me off."

"And you been pissing me off. You're friendly as fuck. Who sits there and let a bitch they had sex with get that close to them!"

He sighed once again. "Baby I'm sorry. Shit wasn't even like that. I thought she was a fan just asking for a picture. Until she started getting on some touchy timing I wasn't jacking it after that."

She didn't have it in her to keep screaming at him anymore, instead she felt like crying now. She didn't want to cry in front of him so she just grabbed her bag off the bed and turned around.

"I'm going home."

"Chill." He stood in front of the door, holding her arm.

"Kay let me go please." Her voice cracks as she spoke.

"Ma I didn't do nothing. I swear, stop crying because now I feel like shit."

"Just back up please."

"Nah just stay, you can call anyone who was there last night."

"I don't want to call anyone. Get off of me." She said slapping his hand off her.

He smacked his lips. "You don't trust me?"

"No I don't Kevin. I'll text you later. Okay?" She said as a stray tear came trickling down her face.  She walked out the room and he heard the slamming of the front door. He cursed to himself and sat on the bed, looking at the text message. He was genuinely confused how she still had his number since he hasn't talked to this girl in years. He had no intention of dealing with her so he didn't know why Ariana was so riled up. He could agree the video looked bad but he just wasn't the type to mean to his fans, especially since they were the reason why he's where he's at.

"Daddy?" A soft voice cracks out, he looks up seeing Kimora by the door with teary eyes. He figured she heard them yelling at one another.

"Shit." He cursed under his breath, watching her run up to him, crying: "It's okay mama."

"Why were you yelling at each other?"

"It's nothing. We're going to be fine."

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