Chapter 1

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Harry blinked shyly up at the large red head that was hovering above him. "Merlin, Harry, you're so bloody beautiful."

Harry giggled, blushing even more. "I can't be beautiful, I'm a boy."

"Oh, I can feel that you're a boy," the red head said, grinding down on Harry's very hard erection. "You're still the most beautiful creature that I have ever laid eyes on."

Moaning, Harry thrust his hips up trying to get more stimulation from the man above him. "You spend all day working with goblins so that isn't saying much."

"What!" Bill gasped. "I'll have you know, under all that tough wrinkly skin, pointed teeth and nasty attitude, goblins are beautiful."

Harry threw his head back laughing. Bill gazed down at the beautiful boy under him. He wasn't lying, Harry really was the most beautiful creature that he had ever laid eyes on. With his soft raven hair that he had spent the last year growing out and now came to just below his shoulder blades, his large glowing emerald eyes, soft feminine features, petite size and shy, loving, submissive nature...he couldn't help but to be smitten with the small boy.

Unable to resist any longer, Bill leaned down and claimed the boy's lips in a passionate kiss. Despite Harry only just tuning seventeen the week before and him being so much older, he just couldn't keep his hands off the beautiful boy. It had been a year since he last saw the boy and at that time he was just a scruffy, gangly, be-speckled, awkward boy who was the best friend of his baby brother. Now, gone was the awkward boy and it's place was a stunning, graceful creatures who's beautiful eyes were no longer hidden by thick ugly glasses. He had been blown away when he moved back home a week ago and spotted this angel landing in front of him with a grin on his face and a broomstick in his hand.

Harry squirmed under Bill's large body, moaning. He couldn't believe that Bill actually liked him. His uncle had always told him that no one would ever want him, and yet here was Bill sexy Weasley telling him that he was beautiful and kissing him. He knew that his adopted fathers Sirius and Remus would go ballistic if they knew he was making out with a much older man, but they weren't here. The day after his birthday they dropped him off at the Burrow so they could go away for their anniversary and they weren't going to be back until a week before school started. They were also celebrating Sirius being declared free, and as much as he missed them, they deserved a little one on one time together.

Three months ago he managed to do the impossible and kill Voldemort and end the war. He wasn't proud that he killed another human being, if you could even call that snake man human, but it had to be done. They had been dueling when their wands connected again, but this time Voldemort wasn't expecting him to have a second wand. Dumbledore had been hit with a curse and knocked out cold, so he had picked up the man's wand wanting to keep it safe. When his wand connected with Voldemort's, he used Dumbledore's wand to fire the killing curse at Voldemort. As far as he was concerned he hadn't done anything special, but everyone was hailing him a hero and he now couldn't get a minutes peace.

At the end of the school year he had been expecting to be sent back to his horrible, abusive relatives until his seventeenth birthday, but Remus and Sirius had surprised him the night before he was due to leave and asked if they could adopt him and become a family. It had been the best night of his life and he had gotten his deepest wish...a real family. He got to leave that night and celebrate his adoption with the two men that loved him the most in the world. Sirius and Remus adored him and they never failed in showing him just how much they loved him. They knew how bad the Dursely's had abused him and they wanted to make sure that he never doubted their love.

It had taken his new fathers a week to get the truth out of him about his abusive past, but when he finally broke down and told them, they held him all night long while he cried himself to sleep. From day one of being left with his relatives, they had starved him, forced him to work like a house elf, beat him, broke his bones and belittled him. He was told that he was a freak, ugly, unlovable, worthless and not another human being would ever want or love him. He had firmly believed every word that came out of their mouths, but his fathers were trying to prove to him that it wasn't true. He was still having a hard time believing them, but he desperately wanted to.

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