Chapter 7

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"So, you two are together now?" Raknor asked, leaning against the hatchlings enclosure watching as the small Potter boy interacted with the newly hatched Common Welch Greens.

"It's complicated," Charlie said, not even attempting to hide the goofy grin that was on his face. He was excited and proud that he was dating Harry, unlike Bill who had wanted to hide it like it was some kind of a dirty secret.

"Complicated," Raknor snorted. "You either are, or you aren't," he said, turning to look at his friend. "That boy looks at you like you hung the moon."

"It is complicated, but I guess you can say we are together. I'm taking it slow right now, he's still hurting over Bill."

Raknor nodded his head in understanding. "I still can't believe that your brother did that to him. I had always thought of him as a good man."

"Me too," Charlie said sadly. "Not only did he hurt Harry, but he also hurt Fleur. She was a nice girl, she didn't deserve that."

Raknor nudged Charlie with his elbow. "Worked out for you though, didn't it?" He slyly winked.

"There is that," Charlie blushed, "but it still killed me seeing him in so much pain."

Raknor watched as one of the hatchlings carefully approached the boy. "You can still see the pain in his eye," he said softly. "but you can also see the love that he has for you." Watching as the hatchling sniffed the boy's hand, he shook his head chuckling. "He truly has a gift with the littles."

"That he does," Charlie said fondly. "Never seen anything like it." He had to wonder if it was the fairy in him that made him so good with the hatchlings. Normally they were weary of humans and kept their distance, but there was something about Harry that drew them to him.

"So, a family hut," Raknor asked with a wink.

Before Charlie could respond, Harry came jogging up with a huge smile on his face and his cheeks red from the cold. "Did you see, Charlie? I got to pet the little Greens."

Did he see? He had never taken his eyes off of his magnificent mate. "It's a gift Harry. If Raknor or I went in there with them, they would run for the hills."

"Hi, Mr. Raknor," Harry said, grinning excitedly at the man. "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Of course not," Raknlor winked, "you only have eyes for Charlie here."

Harry dropped his chin blushing. "I was just excited about the hatchlings."

Raknor threw his head back laughing. "If you say so, kid. How about if the three of us go into town for a bite to eat?"

Charlie looked to Harry. "Sounds good to me. How about you?"

Harry eagerly nodded his head. "Yeah, just let me get a quick shower."

Charlie chuckled as Harry sprinted off to where the huts were. "I love him so much Raknor. It's a little freighting."

"Good, love is supposed to be scary, and if anyone tells you different, then they ain't ever realły been in love," Raknor snorted at Charlie's wide eyed look. "How long are you staying?"

Charlie started walking slowly back to his hut with Raknor. "Not really sure, will be up to Harry, but maybe a week. I'm sure that he's going to want to spend some time with his dads before school starts up again. He just needed to get away for awhile, especially from Bill."

"I still can't believe that your brother turned out to be suck a huge prick," Raknor growled. "Still, that boy is better off with you."

"I can't say that I will never hurt him," Charlie admitted, "but I can say that I'll never do it on purpose."

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