Chapter 11

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As Harry sat at the dinner table watching as Fleur and Viktor smiled at each other, he couldn't help but think, with a painful jolt to his heart, about Cedric Diggory. Cedric should have been here with them, the four Triwizard champions, celebrating the upcoming birth of his son and the bonding contract between Fleur and Viktor. Cedric's death had been a senseless death, he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time. He still blamed himself for suggesting that they take the cup together. He should have known that something bad was going to happen, why else would have his name been put in the goblet? He should be the one dead, not Cedric.

"Vot hass you thinking so hard, Harry?" Viktor asked kindly.

Harry smiled sadly. "Just thinking about how cool it would have been if Cedric could have been here with us."

Nodding grimly, Viktor picked up his wine glass. "To Cedric Diggory, he vos a brave and noble vizard. May he Rest In Peace."

With tears in his eyes, Harry picked up his glass of juice at the same time everyone else up their wine glasses and they all toasted Cedric. "To Cedric."

Harry had had a great day cooking this meal with Charlie for Fleur and Vikto, it had just been the two of them, no Bill and no dads. His dads had decided to go out for the day and evening so he could enjoy the dinner party with just his friends and Charlie. It gave him a little sneak peak at his future with Charlie and he couldn't wait to get it started. He loved living with his dads, but he was ready to start his life with his mate.

"Zis meal is very delicious, 'Arry, you are a very good cook." Fleur complimented.

"Thank you, Fleur. I actually love to cook." It was true, he did love to cook now, but he had hated when he was younger and his had aunt forced him to do all the cooking...the cooking for meals he never got to enjoy. He loved it now, he loved feeding people who appreciated and enjoyed his cooking. He also loved that he now got to enjoy his own cooking.

"Fleur is correct, this is very good," Viktor agreed.

Harry blushed. "I can't take all the credit, Charlie helped."

"All Charlie did was crack the eggs and chop the vegetables," Charlie chuckled. "The Weasley cooking skills skipped me."

"More like leapt over you and ran like hell," Harry mumbled under his breath.

"Hey!" Charlie cried. "I heard that."

"I love you anyway," Harry giggled as he leaned sideways and kissed his mate. This was the scene that Bill walked in on, Harry and Charlie kissing, and Fleur and Viktor laughing at them.

"Wow, am I interrupting something?" Bill asked, stunned. He originally didn't think he would be able to visit that evening, but he ended up finishing his work early so he decided to drop in. He didn't know that Harry was having a dinner party, a dinner party with his ex-fiancé and her new famous boyfriend. A dinner party that he hadn't been invited to.

"As a matter a fact, you are interrupting!" Fleur spat. "You were not invited to our get together."

"I see that," Bill said darkly. "This looks like a couples only gathering."

"Bill, you said that you were working late tonight," Harry defended tiredly. "And I know that you and Fleur aren't exactly on speaking terms."

"'E is a snake!" Fleur cried.

"Fleur, I already apologized for what happened between us, I even sent you a letter apologizing."

"I burnt your letter. You mean nozing to me."

Bill really did feel bad for how he used Fleur, but he could only apologize so many times. He may not have loved her when he proposed to her, but he knew that he could have grown to love her. Maybe not, as soon as she saw Harry in the jewelry store on Christmas break, whatever feelings he had growing for Fleur had just up and vanished. He could have never have loved Fleur as much as he loves Harry.

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