Chapter 12

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Harry started sobbing as he pushed as hard as he could. He just wanted his son out and for the pain to go away. How the hell how had Mrs. Weasley done this seven times? More importantly, why the hell would she want to? He was grateful that she had, if she hadn't been such a badass he wouldn't have Charlie and his best friend Ron, but fuck, labor was worse than the Cruciatus Curse.

"You are doing excellent, 'Arry," Fleur coached as she stood next to Professor Snape with a blanket waiting to take the baby from him and then hand him off to Madam Pomfrey who was going to check his vitals and clean him off. She was grateful that they were giving her the opportunity to assist with this incredible birth.

Charlie was feeling a little light headed and dizzy, he hated seeing the man he loved in so much pain. If he could, he would take all of Harry's into his own body. He felt so helpless just sitting at Harry's head holding his hand, wiping sweat from his brow, and coaching him through the contractions.

"A couple more pushes, Potter."

Harry collapsed back against the bed panting. "I can't believe my potions master is getting a front row view to my most private bits." With a scream, he leaned forward and started pushing again.

"Don't worry, Potter, I plan on oblivating myself afterwards."

Harry was doing a combination of screaming and laughing. He should be mortified that Snape was looking between his legs, but right now he gave zero fucks. All he cared about was getting his baby son out of his body.

"I see ze 'ead," Fleur announced excitedly.

"One more good push, Potter."

With a loud scream, one in which he was sure the entire house heard, Harry gave it all he had. Feeling something slide from his body, he fell back on the bed with his eyes closed, panting and trembling with exhaustion.

With a look of wonder, Fleur took the bloody baby from Severus, wrapped him up, then briskly walked him to where Madam Pomfrey was waiting. Handing him off, she remained next to the medi-witch and watched as she started waving her wand over him. "''Arry, he is beautiful!"

Gripping Harry's trembling hand, Charlie leaned down and kissed him on his sweaty forehead. "You did it, Harry, I'm so proud of you."

Harry's eyes snapped open when he heard a loud wailing. Smiling, he turned his head to where Madam Pomfrey was cleaning up his newborn baby. "H-how is he?"

Gently wrapping the baby in a blanket that was charmed to stay warm, Madam Pomfrey turned to Harry with a large grin on her face. "He's absolutely perfect, Harry. He's a healthy and strong little boy, weighing in at seven pounds, and twenty inches long. He has all his fingers and toes, and he has broken the Weasley's red hair curse. Little Lorcan has a head full of unruly black hair, just like you."

With tears in his eyes, Harry grinned up at Charlie. "Help me sit up a little so I can hold him."

With tears in his own eyes, Charlie quickly did as Harry asked. "I love you so much. Are you alright now? Are you still in pain?"

"I'm fine, Charlie, I just want my baby. I may sleep for a week after this though."

Madam Pomfrey gently passed the whimpering newborn over to Harry. "He has ten fingers and ten toes and everything is working perfectly. I can't say whether he'll take your fairy blood or not, but I think it's highly likely he will."

"Oh my god!" Harry sobbed as he looked down at his son. Madam Pomfrey had put him in a white onesie and wrapped him in a blue blanket, but she had left his hat off so he could see his black hair. He didn't know much about newborns, but it seemed like Lorcan had a lot of hair. His face was a bit red and splotchy and his eyes were screwed tightly shut, but to him he was the most beautiful being in the world.

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