Chapter 4

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Charlie managed to get through his day of teaching, but after that he remained in his hut with Harry. He had sent a message to Dumbledore explaining that Harry was with him, but feeling under the weather. He was surprised when Madam Pomfrey didn't come beating on his door, but he had a feeling that Dumbledore knew that there was something going on between his brother and Harry. The man didn't look pleased at all when he had informed him of his brother's wedding.

Not wanting to leave Harry alone for the night on the couch, Charlie picked him up and carried him to his bed with him. The dreamless sleep still had Harry out cold and he didn't even flinch when he stripped him down to his boxers. Laying down with him, he pulled Harry to his chest and rested his hand over his still flat stomach. It was strange how his hand tingled and heated up when it touched Harry's baby belly, but it felt right. It was as if his magic was urging him to do it.

He couldn't believe that Bill had picked Fleur over Harry just because she was a veela. Hell, she wasn't even a full blooded veela. He remembered her from the tournament in Harry's fourth year. She was pretty enough, but she couldn't hold a candle to Harry. He also remembered her as being kind of stuck up and snooty, and Bill had always hated girls like that. He was going to be miserable married to her, and he deserved every second of it.

He was worried though. What was Bill going to do when he found out about the baby? He didn't think he would take the baby from Harry, but when he found out about him being a fairy, he might try to use the baby to get to him. It was imperative that Bill didn't find out about the baby until after he was married. Once married, Bill wouldn't divorce Fleur since divorces in the wizarding world were shameful and degrading. All Harry had to do was wear glamours when he started showing, then keep the baby a secret until after the wedding. Bill may try to get the baby, but he wouldn't be able to get his hands on Harry.

One of the major problems that he could foresee, is that the baby would be due before Harry's graduation. How were they going to hide a newborn at the school? He knew that there was no way in hell that Harry would let someone else raise his baby for a month, and he would never even suggest such a thing to him. The only solution that he could think of, was to get Harry to agree on telling Dumbledore about his pregnancy. Dumbledore loved Harry like a favorite grandson, and he was positive that the sly, powerful, old man could come up with some solutions.

Yawning, Charlie pulled the blanket up higher. "Love you," he murmured into Harry's ear as he drifted off to sleep.


Harry didn't need to open his eyes to know where he was, he could smell Charlie all around him. He also felt warm and safe...especially with Charlie's muscular arm draped over his side. He blushed when he noticed exactly where Charlie's hand was...right over his baby as if he was protecting him or her.

"How are you feeling?" Charlie whispered into Harry's ear as his fingers gently massaged his stomach.

"M'fine," Harry said, choking up a bit.

"He's only marrying her because she's part veela. He thinks it will make the Weasley's look better if we had veela in our blood."

Harry snorted, laughing and tearing up at the same time. "Won't he shit himself then when he finds out about me?"

Charlie chuckled. "He doesn't deserve you, and I never thought he did."

Harry turned in Charlie's arms so he was facing him. "That's not nice, Bill is your brother."

Charlie used his thumb to wipe away a couple of Harry's silent tears. "It's true. You deserve someone who is going to love you for you, not for what you are."

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