Chapter 5

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Remus collapsed in the kitchen chair across from Sirius. The werewolf looked like he had aged fifteen years in just one evening. "He's asleep...finally." It had been a rough evening after finding out about Harry's pregnancy. Charlie had stayed up until an hour ago, and they reluctantly allowed him because they could tell that he made their son feel better.

Despite not eating anything for twenty four hours, Harry had only nibbled on his dinner. Their son was mess, still terrified that they would kick him out despite the countless times they tried reassuring him. If Charlie hadn't been there, Harry probably wouldn't have eaten what little food he had. He hardly talked, refused to make eye contact, and sat as close to Charlie as he possibly could. It was obvious that Charlie made him feel safe.

"It looks like Charlie will be joining the family," Remus said absentmindedly. He still couldn't get over that his baby boy was going to have a baby of his own. This wasn't how he had pictured becoming a grandfather. He wasn't upset with Harry, but he was damn furious with the bastard that left their cub this broken. As far as he was concerned, they had taken advantage of an abused and innocent boy that was so starved for love and affection that he would do anything to get it.

When Remus didn't get a response from his mate, he looked up to see what Sirius was doing. "Who are you writing to?" He had been so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he never noticed that Sirius was writing something down.

"A list," Sirius grunted. "Of every male that our son could have come in contact with while at the Burrow. This happened while we were on vacation, Remy. We should have never left him so soon after his inheritance." They hadn't wanted to, but Harry had insisted, he didn't want them canceling their plans because of him.

Remus nodded his head in agreement. "Who do you have on the list?"

"All the Weasley boys, Neville Longbottom, that crazy little Irish fellow who likes to blow shit up,"

"Seamus Finnegan," Remus corrected with a small chuckle. He liked Seamus, the boy made him laugh.

Grunting, Sirius corrected the name on his list. "Seamus' friend Dean and the twin's friend Lee. Who else was at the party that could have visited him while at the Burrow?"

"Oliver Wood was there and he seemed pretty close with Harry." Remus added thoughtfully. "Harry was so excited that he hugged him when he showed up."

With a growl, Sirius added a couple stars next to Wood's name. "I don't see Harry being with a boy his age."

"I don't either," Remus sighed, rubbing his now throbbing temples. "but I can't see any of the Weasley boys hurting Harry like this. Bill is too old, Charlie is head over heals in love with our pup, Percy..."

"Is too Percy," Sirius snorted. "Besides, he's been engaged to that Penelope girl."

"The twins would never in a million years hurt Harry." Remus added.

"No, they adore him, but only as a little brother," Sirius agreed. "And there is no way that Ron is gay or bisexual."

"Plus, he has been in love with Hermione for as long as I have known them," Remus said, smiling behind his cup of tea.

"So, it looks like it's Wood we get to torture and kill," Sirius snarled.

"I don't know, Sirius," Remus moaned, getting up and grabbing a pain reliever. It felt like someone had taken a bludger to his skull. "The kid is a Keeper for Puddlemere United, and I thought I overheard him telling the twins that he was only in town for Harry's party and then he had to get back to training."

Sirius slammed his quill onto the table, snapping the tip off. "Then who the hell is responsible for knocking up our pup and leaving him?" he roared angrily. He needed to hurt the person that hurt his son. There was no way in hell he was going to let them get away with this.

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