Chapter 2

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Collapsing to the side, Bill pulled the sheet over both himself and his naked lover. "You alright?" he asked, still panting and trembling slightly. Sex with Harry was incredible!

All Harry could do was nod until he could catch his breath. Charlie and him hadn't returned from the sanctuary until right before bedtime, and as soon as he made it to his bedroom, Bill had tackled him from behind and tossed him onto the bed. Bill didn't waste much time on foreplay, he used magic to prepare him them took him from behind.

"I missed you last night," Bill said, carding his fingers through Harry's damp hair. "I don't know what I'm going to do when your dad's pick you up."

Harry leaned into Bill's soothing touch, grinning. "I missed you too, Bill. Maybe you could start officially courting me when I return home," he suggested hopefully.

Bill thoughtfully nodded his head. "I'll think about it." At seeing Harry's smile falter, he quickly added. "It's not that I don't want to court you, it's just I love having you all to myself. If we start officially courting, it's going to be in every paper and reporters are going to hound me everywhere I go. I just wanna keep us a secret for now."

Harry sadly turned onto his side away from Bill. He understood where Bill was coming from, but it still hurt. Was there something wrong with him? Was Bill ashamed to be seen with him?

"Hey, don't get upset," Bill said, rubbing Harry's back. "We won't keep it a secret forever, I just want to keep you all to myself for now."

"I understand," Harry whispered into his pillow, hiding his tears from Bill. "I'm just tired." He wanted the world to know that he was with Bill Waesley, why didn't Bill feel the same about him?

Bill kissed Harry on the back of his neck. "Get some sleep, love. We will talk more about it tomorrow."


"Harry dear, don't you want to discuss it with your fathers before sending the registration forms in? Being a dragon handler is a very dangerous job?" Molly said kindly. She was terrified when Charlie had decided to study dragons, but at least he was a big and strong lad. Harry was small and delicate looking, it wouldn't take much for a dragon to hurt him.

Harry looked up from the paperwork he had been filling out. "My dads have encouraged me to follow whatever career I desire. They know that one of my choices was working with dragons, Remus even bought me a few books about dragons and the different jobs there are working with them."

"I know dear, it's just dragons are so big and dangerous and you're so..."

"Small," Charlie chuckled, taking a seat across from Harry and giving him a wink. "Mom, size has nothing to do with dragon handling. It's not like I could walk up to a dragon and win a hand to hand fight with him. It has to do with magic, and Harry is more magically powerful than anyone at the sanctuary. He will do great as a handler."

"I'm not small!" Harry growled, playfully kicking Charlie in the the shin under the table.

"If you say so," Charlie chuckled, breaking off a piece of his toast and chucking it at Harry.

"I thought we were going to be Auror partners," Ron pouted, stabbing grumpily at his eggs.

"I'm sorry," Harry said looking to his best friend. "Ron, you have what it takes to become a great Auror. You're brave and smart and not a single person at Hogwarts can beat you at a game of chess, not even Dumbledore. You are meant to be an Auror...I'm not. I'm brave only when I need to be and I wouldn't have survived my first encounter with Voldemort if it hadn't been for you and Hermione. Everyone thinks I'm this great wizard, but I'm not. Professor Mcgongall was right, I only survived everything out of sheer dumb luck. I don't want to spend my life fighting."

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