Chapter 8

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Charlie reached out and took Harry's cold and trembling hands in his. "Deep, calming breaths, little bit," he coached. "Everything will be alright."

Breathing deeply, Harry sharply nodded his head. "I know it will. It's just been a month since I last saw him, what if he's mean?"

"Harry, your dads are coming too and Bill is terrified of them," Charlie joked, hoping to calm the young fairy. "Honestly though, love, I think Bill will behave himself. He handled himself at our courting party."

"He only stayed long enough to say congratulations," Harry reminded. "He didn't even slow down on his way to the floo."

Charlie pulled his future mate tight to his muscular chest. "You know, you didn't have to invite him."

"I know," Harry sighed loudly. "But he is the baby's father and it's only fair that he gets to be here for the checkups. I also want to stay on his good side. If he wanted to, he could make things really hard on us."

Charlie gritted his teeth, he hated being reminded that Harry's baby wasn't his. As far as he was concerned, that little one was his and Harry's...not Bill's. He was the one who held Harry's hair back while he vomited every morning, he was the one who lovingly handled Harry's mood swings, and now he was the one who was catering to Harry's crazy food cravings. Just last night he had apparated to Muggle London to get him something called a Big Mac. He wasn't familiar with the muggle world so he had to ask around and deal with the strange looks the muggles were giving him. Not wanting to venture out again, he bought twenty five burgers and placed a preservation charm on them.

"Do you think that we will get to find out the sex of the baby today?" Harry asked excitedly, lovingly caressing his small baby bump. He was going into his fifth month, and while he still couldn't feel the baby move, you could now see a noticeable swell to his midsection when not wearing a glamour.

"Do you want to find out the sex?" Charlie grinned. This was only the hundredth time Harry had asked him that question in the past twenty four hours.

"I...I don't know," Harry said thoughtful, still rubbing his belly. "It would make shopping and picking out a name a hell of a lot easier if we knew what we were having."

Grabbing the fairy, Charlie gave him a long and passionate kiss. "I love it when you say we," he said breathlessly. "You have made me the happiest man in the world."

"That's good to know," Sirius grumbled, scowling at the pair that was still wrapped in each other's arms. "Parents are here, enough with the touchy, feely, kissy crap."

Blushing, Harry looked up to see his dads, Dumbledore, Snape, Madam Pomfrey and Bill standing in the door of Charlie's hut. "Sorry," he said shyly, refusing to look at Bill. He knew for a hundred percent certainty that he loved Charlie, but Bill's betrayal still hurt something fierce. It wasn't something that he could move on from in jus a few short months.

"We did knock," Dumbledore chuckled, eyes sparkling, "but when you didn't answer your dad got a little..concerned."

"Daaad!" Harry cried in embarrassment. "Charlie and I... We're not... I'm not...."

"What you son is trying to say and failing most adorably at," Charlie laughed, rescuing his spluttering, red faced mate, "is that we haven't moved on to the next step in our relationship yet. I am even still sleeping on the couch."

Bill's eyes lit up at hearing that. Maybe there was still a chance for him. "Harry, how have you been feeling," he asked kindly. Maybe if he showed him that he was kind, understanding and there for him, he would come back to him. He desperately wanted Harry and his baby.

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