Chapter 9

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Taking a deep breath, Harry gripped Charlie's hand tightly then entered Bill's hospital room. When he first heard of Bill's accident he had wanted to rush over immediately to see him, but now he really didn't want to be here. Bill was sick, he didn't want to fight with him or make him feel bad. According to Mr. Weasley, Bill had come dangerously close to dying a couple times. The curse had literally been melting his organs. If it hadn't been for the goblins reacting immediately to the situation, Bill would be dead. Bill may not be his favorite person right now, but he would always love him.

"Harry!" Bill cried breathlessly, his pale, face lighting up. "You came."

Harry almost fell back into Charlie when he saw how bad Bill looked. It wasn't just because of the curse, Bill had lost an alarming amount of weight over the past few months. He was pale, had huge dark circles under his haunting eyes, looked as though he had aged fifteen years and looked as frail as a dying old man.

"Merlin," Charlie whispered in shock, reaching out to steady his mate.

"B-Bill," Harry stuttered. He wanted to approach the bed but his legs refused to cooperate. This was all his fault. He was the reason why Bill looked so horrible and was in the hospital.

"You look beautiful," Bill said, drinking in the site of the young man he loved. "But where's the..."

"Glamours," Arthur quickly interrupted. "He only has two months left so he has to wear glamours."

Bill's eyes dropped to Harry's glamoured, flat tummy. Oh how he would love to see it round and swollen with his child. His little boy. Harry and his son were all he had thought about since he left Hagrid's hut that horrible day when Harry almost lost the baby. It had killed him when his child rejected him but welcomed his brother. He was the father, he should have been the one to stabilize the pregnancy and save his son.

"I have missed you, Harry," Bill said weakly.

"I sent owls," Harry said, finally approaching the bed. He smiled gratefully at Charlie when he pushed a chair behind him. He was so big with the pregnancy that he tired easily. His ankles were also painfully swollen so standing was hard on him.

Bill's eyes dimmed when he saw how his love and brother interacted with each other. Even a blind man could see how much they loved each other. Harry had once looked at him like that. "Charlie, it's good to see you again," he said tightly. As much as he loved his brother, he also hated him. He stole Harry from him.

"Bill," Charlie acknowledged. "How are you?" He hadn't missed how his brother was looking at Harry. He still desperately wanted him.

"Better now," Bill said, giving Harry a wink. "Harry, how is our little..."

"Bill," Arthur interrupted loudly. "Not here, it's too dangerous. Places like this have too many ears."

"Right. Sorry," Bill said, eyes still only for Harry.

Harry tried not to fidget but Bill's staring was freaking him the hell out. "Were the doctors able to heal you completely? It sounded like a terrible curse."

"It was," Bill winced. "My blood was literally boiling and my organs were melting. Luckily the goblins immediately knocked me out, put a stasis charm on me then got me here. The healers were able to regenerate my organs, but it has been an extremely painful process."

"I-I didn't know healers could do that," Harry said, paling.

Charlie rushed around the chair and knelt in front of his mate. "You alright, love, you're looking a little green?"

Swallowing the vomit that was working its way up his throat, Harry jerkily nodded his head. "Weak stomach, remember?"

"How could I forget," Charlie chuckled softly. "You lost your dinner last night after Neville visited and went into great detail about how he harvested over two gallons of Stinksap from his Mimbulus Mimbletonia."

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