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"Bhaiya, can you drive a bit faster?"

I asked the cab driver, being impatient. Very very impatient actually. Maa must be angry. No, no furious maybe. She has been waiting for him since noon and it's almost 10 pm right now.

First of all this cab driver is driving very slowly and on top of that Delhi's famous traffic. I should have booked a two wheeler instead.

There's an app for that too. Anyways I hope maa just allows me to enter the house tonight.

I have been trying to leave the office since so long but Mr. Chauhan kept me busy with random topics. And him being an important client I just couldn't cut the conversation short no matter how bad I wanted to do that.

Maa is understanding. She has always been my biggest support system and she will understand today too but Vishu texted me in the afternoon saying maa is making my favourite kheer and she has been waiting patiently for me to arrive soon. And I, being stupid said her that I'll arrive by 7 but now it's almost 10.

I hope my kheer is kept safe for me.

"Bhaiya thoda jaldi."
(Brother a bit faster.)

I didn't realise but my voice went a bit higher coming out impatient and angry.

"Madam ab car hai helicopter thodi ke uda ke le jaun."

He replied with a frustrated tone.

Off attitude. Delhi people and their undying attitude are like soulmates. As if attitude runs inside their body instead of blood.

(Madam, this is a car, not a helicopter, that I will start flying it.)

With a groan I kept silent for the rest of the ride because it was just pointless to argue but I'm definitely going to give him less stars while rating him.

Rolling my eyes at the driver, I looked outside the car window. We were stopped at a signal. Rolling the window down I allowed the cold night air to hit my face.

During my school days I used to love moving around the city at night. When I used to get tired by studying for long hours, Baba used to take me out for a short break which usually ended up being 2 hours long.

He used to get me ice cream on our way back home from the shop that was near my school. I was a regular customer and almost all the staff knew who I was.

A small smile adorned my face thinking about the good old days when the car came to a sudden halt. Thanks to the seatbelt, but the driver is a slow but rash driver.

"By God ki kasam bhaiya, abhi mujhe lag jati na.

I said in a frustrated voice removing the seat belt while moving out of the car.

[I swear on God brother, I would have got hurt now]

Paying him in a rush I turned to open the gates to my house, when I saw maa standing near the front door, hands crossed across her chest.

Taking slow steps I approached her to take her blessings when she held me by my shoulders preventing me from bending and surprised me by taking me into a hug.

Tightly closing my eyes to prevent my tears from flowing, I hugged her back tighter.

It feels so good to be back in Delhi and in her arms.

Maa Baba used to visit me in Mumbai whenever they used to get time. But coming back to my own home definitely feels different.

"Where were you,Gudu? Don't you have any sense of time and discipline??? You told Vishu that you'll be home by 7 and now it's already past 10."

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