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Shortly after Achyut left, Upadhyay's left too, asking my parents to pay them a visit soon before all the marriage functions began. I haven't said yes,yet they're too confident about the marriage already. 

But the only thing that's bothering me the most is what Ansh said when I asked him how his family is so confident about us getting married even when I haven't said yes yet. And he replied saying “Bhai is the trophy son of our family. He always wins. First place in class? Check. Headboy of the school? Check. Best student of his batch? Check. He wins every damn time. Dadu loves him the most because he always wins.”

And I was left wondering what if has the same thoughts regarding me and us. 
Am I a trophy to win??? But he said that he knows how to win his woman??? Even he thinks of me as an object too. 

I was still lost in my thoughts when someone tapped on my shoulders. I looked back to see maa standing with a bowl of oil in her hand. Looking at her I smiled. How did she know I had a terrible headache? 

Removing my hair tie I sat down near her feet facing my back to her. She slowly started applying oil to my hair while giving me a massage. 

“What are you thinking so deeply?” She asked while massaging my head. 
I looked up at her question to answer but then shaking my head as a no I again looked forward. 

“I know what you're thinking but believe me he is a good guy.” She said while combing my hair slowly. I know he is a good guy but that can't be a reason I say yes to something as serious as marriage. 

Before I could say anything she continued, “You know your Nanu and Ashwant uncle have been best friends for so long. And even though they had made a promise to get their grandkids married,my father,your nanu had clearly said that final decision will be yours no matter what and no one will question you back if you ever say no to this marriage.”

Listening to this I turned around to face her and asked if she was serious and she nodded in reply. 

“Your nanu loved you the most. So he made sure your choices were given the first priority always. I have known Achyut since you were kids and I know he can definitely treat you well. So test him well and make sure he treats you well but make sure whatever decision you make is completely yours. And that's done. Lo tere baal bhi bana diye maine.” She said, showing me my braid. 
(See your hair is also done.) 

I smiled at her and turned my back to her again. Patting my head she walked inside the room and I sat there silently,lost in my thoughts. 

A ping on my phone startled me suddenly. Who is even texting me this late. Dusting my pants I stood up and picked up my phone from the bed. There was a text message from an unknown number but reading the text I understood who the person was. 

Wear white tomorrow. 

That's it. No please nothing. Just directly ordering me. And why does he think I will do what he wants? Achyut can be boss of his own company but he can't rule me ever. 

I was still huffing with anger when there was another ping. 

Please shree <3.

Oh so chivalry still exists in him. But who is shree? I am Bhagya, Bhagyashree Devray. And he should always call me that. 

I was almost about to reply to him to not call me that but then I just left him on read. 

Turning off the data, I kept my phone on silent and picked up my laptop to continue the series I have left incomplete since a month already. 

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