
196 30 12

27 years ago


"Hi Aaron," the man says into his Nokia cellphone. "I'm not gonna be able to come into work today. My mom's in the hospital."

"Oh no, is she okay?" Aaron asks.

"She's stable now, but she had a heart attack at her home. I rushed to the hospital right away thinking the worst but fortunately they saved her."

Aaron sighs a breath of relief into the phone. "Thank heavens. I'm glad she's okay."

"Me too. I'll be back to work tomorrow."

"Don't be ridiculous, take all the time you need."

"Thank you Aaron."

"Of course. I wish your mother a speedy recovery."

"Me too. All right I'm gonna go talk to one of her nurses right now. I'll see ya soon."

The man hangs up and tucks his Nokia in his pocket.

The man walks back into his mother's hospital room and sees a nurse adjusting the tubes that went through his mother's nostrils. He cringes at the sight of that.

"How is she doing?" The man asks.

The nurse smiles and begins writing stuff down on her clipboard. "Quite well actually. Her breathing is normal and her vitals are fine."

The man smiles. "Good. I really thought I lost her when you guys called me."

The nurse pauses and looks back at her clipboard. "She's fine right now, but she's going to need heart surgery. You're aware that your mother has heart disease?"

The man stops smiling and looks at his sleeping mother. "She does?"

The nurse nods. "She will need surgery soon. Does she have medical insurance?"

The man nods. "She does."

The nurse begins writing on her clipboard. "What's her insurance plan?"

The man exchanges her insurance.

"Perfect," the nurse says. "I'll go get the doctor. He'll explain the surgery to you."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course. Doctor Blair will be with you shortly."


"I'll take another shot of whiskey." The man says.

After discussing heart bypass surgery with his mother's doctor he went straight to the bar across the street. He was happy his mother was okay but worried about her at the same time. His mother raised him as a single parent since his father left him when he was only 2 years old. He has such big respect for his mother and losing her would crush his soul.

The bartender gives the man his 6th shot of whiskey. "You doing okay, son?" The bartender questions him with concern.

The man shakes him off. "I'm fine. Just personal stuff."

The bartender nods with sympathy and walks over to the next customer.

The man chugs down his shot and sighs. He looked over to his right to see a woman in a red dress laughing with her friends at a booth. She looked extraordinary.

"Hey bartender." The man calls out.

The bartender walks over to the man. "Yes sir?"

"I'd like to buy the woman in red over there a drink."

"What kind of drink?"

"Anything she likes."

The bartender walks over to the woman and the woman looks back at the man once the bartender pointed over to him.

The bartender walks back and starts pouring her a glass of white wine.

The man smiles at this. "White wine I see. She has an interesting taste."

The bartender smiles. "She sounds like a classy lady, sir."

The bartender delivers her the wine and the woman smiles and takes a sip.

The whole night the man and woman couldn't keep their eyes off each other.

The man waited for her friends to walk away so he can formally introduce himself.

And once they left to use the bathroom, the man took this as an opportunity.

He walks over and takes a seat from the booth she was sitting at that was from her opposite.

"Hi." Was all he said.

"Hi." She greeted back with a charismatic smile.

"Do you come here often?"

The woman laughs. "Is that really the pick-up line you're going to use on me?"

"I thought it would work."

"Maybe it did."

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