13|Dirty Laundry

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"What revenge do you actually have in mind?" Madeline asks the woman over the phone. "You've cheated on your husband, multiple times, so what exactly is next?"

The woman takes a sip of her glass filled with red wine. "I'm still plotting," she sets the glass back down on the kitchen counter. "Revenge takes time and a lot of effort."

Madeline laughs. "You're truly insane."

"Hey!" The woman almost yells. "He's the one who's actually cheating. I'm just doing it to get back at him, it's two completely different things."

"Sis, you know this is going to end badly. Remember the Miles incident?"

The woman's cheeks start to flush and her heart races for a bit. "Maddy...we promised to never talk about Miles again."

Madeline sighs. "I'm sorry, I won't bring him up again. I just want you to be careful with this revenge you have going on."

"I'll try."

"Do you really think this will save your marriage? Because for me it just sounds like you want to destroy it ten times faster."

The woman takes another sip of her wine. "My marriage isn't over until I say it's over."


After her phone call with Madeline, the woman walks inside their living room.

The man was laying on the couch, watching a hockey game on TV.

The woman sits next to him. And the man smiles softly at her but quickly looks back to the TV.

"Hey." She says quietly, avoiding his eyes.

"Hey, sweetheart." He responds while his eyes were glued to the hockey game.

The woman plays with her fingernails in a fidgety fashion. "I wanted to talk to you."

The man lowers the volume from the TV. "Okay, you've gotten my attention. What's up?"

She takes a breath, and then exhales. Then she gets ready to ask what she's been wanting to ask for over six years.

"What's so great about Claudia?"

The man freezes. He hated discussing Claudia with his wife. It always ends up so awkward and with her screaming bloody murder. He wasn't ready for another migraine, and it had been only 2 hours since their last fight.

But the man decided to be honest with his wife. It was the least he could do.

"I like her sense of humor." The man said quickly.

The woman laughs coldly. "That's it? C'mon, she's the whore who's been stealing my husband. I mean her boobs are pretty big so is it because of her body?"

The man looks away, trying to block out his wife's offensive insults about Claudia.

But his wife enjoyed teasing him. She leans down into her husband's ear.
"Is it because she's this sexy goddess?" She whispers.

The man closes his eyes and takes a deep breath in order to not go bat shit crazy on his wife. "She's not a whore. And she actually stopped talking to me last week so you can stop worrying about her."

His wife moves away from him and rolls her eyes. "Whatever you say."

"I swear to you, Claudia and I have never had sex the whole time you and I have been married. We just hung out."

The woman wasn't satisfied with his excuse. "But do you love Claudia?"

The man doesn't answer.

"I said, do you fucking love Claudia?"

"Yes." The man whispers.

The wife looks at him with horror. "You disgust me. I fucking knew you loved her."

She gets off the couch and storms back to the kitchen.

The man hears the woman rummage through the fridge.

After a few minutes went by, the woman comes back with her hands full with a half a jug of milk and a plate of tuna.

She stands over husband with the milk and tuna hovering over his head.

The man's eyes widened. "Honey, what are you do—"

The woman smirks and pours the half gallon of milk over his head.

The man gags over the feeling and smell of the milk that went all over his head and face. "What the fuck?!" He sputters, feeling very nauseous. "Is this shit expired?"

The woman laughs. "It sure is, asshole."

And then she dumps the plate of tuna over his head. The woman bends down to him and smiles all innocent. "I hope you enjoy your dinner, baby."

The man jumps off the couch and sprints to the bathroom, while soaking milk and tuna all over the floors.

The wife, still laughing her ass off, sits back down on the clean side of the couch and takes a sip of her red wine.

"He's going to regret this," She says to herself as she twisted her wedding ring. "He's going to regret this so bad."

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