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It has been three weeks since the man has seen the woman in the red dress.

They exchanged numbers after they met at the bar but neither one of them has called.

The man wanted to call her but he was unsure about her. Yes, the woman was beautiful, charming, and fairly intelligent but for some reason he couldn't pick up the phone to call her.

It was three weeks anyway, the woman was probably uninterested at this point.

But once the man was about to leave his apartment to head off to work his Nokia rings.

He picks up. "Hello?"

"So I guess you forgot about me."

It was the woman.

The man sighs a relief into the phone. "I honestly thought you forgot about me."

The woman laughs into the phone. "If I forgot about you I wouldn't be calling you right now."

"That's true." Said the man.

"So why haven't you called me?"

The man pauses and looks down at his watch. "I'm so sorry but I'm going to be late to work if I continue this phone call but please meet me at the bar again. I'll make it up to you I promise."

"You better." The woman teases.

The man smiles and hops inside his car. "I get off at 6. Will I be seeing you there around 6:30ish?"

"Well I would have to check my busy schedule. But maybe you'll see me around 6:30ish."

"Great. I'll see you there. Maybe."

6:40 pm at the Bar

The man nervously looks down at his watch for the tenth time. The woman was ten minutes late.

The bartender smiles sympathetically at the man and hands him a glass of beer.

"I didn't order this." The man tells him.

"It's on the house."

The man thanks him and begins drinking his beer full of anxiousness.

After he finished his beer he looked down at his watch again. It was now 6:55.

He looked up at the bartender. "You don't think she's coming, don't you?"

The bartender shrugs. "Maybe she's just running a bit late."

So the man continued to wait for her. But once 7:00 hit he decided to just go home. He hopped off the bar stool and started to make his way out.

He stepped outside and lit a cigarette. He was angry that the woman stood him up. He knew it would be too good to be true. She was too perfect.

"Wow, that's a gross habit to have." A familiar voice startled him that the man almost dropped his cigarette.

He looked up to see the woman standing in front of him. She was wearing red again but instead of a dress she was wearing a tight knit sweater. It suited her figure.

The man puts out his cigarette. "I thought you stood me up."

"Well I'm here now."

The man shakes his head and starts walking away from her. "I'll see you around."

The woman matches his pace to keep up with him. "You do realize I said maybe I'll see you around 6:30ish."

"I'm aware." The man says, avoiding her beautiful eyes.

"I was testing you. I got here around 6:15 and waited at the back of the bar. Once I saw you come in I secretly went outside and watched you."

The man laughs. "So you're admitting to stalking me?"


The man sighs and stops in his tracks. "Look, I'm not here to play this silly cat and mouse game. If you're not interested just go."

The woman leans in and kisses him. The man kisses her back and wraps his arms around her. Her lips tasted like peppermint and honey.

She then pulls away and looks into his shocked eyes. "You passed."


"If you weren't interested in me you would have left the bar earlier once you realized I wasn't coming. But you waited for me for a good half hour."

"I did wait for you. There's just something about you that makes me so curious. You're so strange and mysterious."

The woman smiles. "So are you."

The man leans in close to her. "And you're the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."

And he kisses her again.

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