2|The Question

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The man and the woman have been dating for exactly two years now.

And they were deeply in love with each other.

After five months of dating, the man asked the woman if she wanted to move in with him at his apartment. She agreed.

And every night they made love.

"God, that was amazing as always." The lady sighs with euphoria as she flops herself back on their bed.

The man chuckles and wraps his arms around her. "It was."

The woman traces his collar bone which made the man shiver. The touch felt like heaven to him. And he couldn't take his eyes away over the angel laying beside him. Her hair was dark brown with a hint of soft gold tints embezzled together. Her eyes were as green as nature, it made the gentleman think of The Garden of Eden.

"I love you." She whispers in his ear.

"I love you too." He whispers back, pulling her into a deep kiss.

As soon as they were about to go to round two, the woman's cell phone rings. She pulls away from the man and groans.

The lady opens her flip phone and answers the phone. "Hello? Oh, hey mom."

The man rolls his eyes to this. He hated the woman's parents. And he only met them once and it ended terribly.

"Yes, I'm still dating him." The woman gives the man a look of annoyance and mouths "she's crazy."

The man chuckles quietly and begins putting on his clothes.

"Mom, we've been through this before. I don't plan on ending my relationship. I love him."

The man smiles at that.

"I don't wanna hear it mom. I gotta go. Bye."

The woman sighs and puts her cellphone back inside her red purse. "I can't stand that woman. Constantly hounding me to break up with you."

The man laughs while he buttoned his white shirt. "I really don't know why your parents don't like me. I even baked them a pie when I first met them. And I don't even bake!"

The woman slides an oversized band t-shirt over her head. "And that pie was surprisingly delicious. You worked so hard on it."

The gentleman walks over to the bedside and picks up the book he was currently reading. To Kill a Mocking Bird.

"You're still reading that sad book?"

The man nods and he turned the page. "It's a good read so far. Please don't spoil it for me."

The woman joins the gentleman in bed and snuggled up next to him. "I won't. I promise."

After a few minutes of silence the man puts his book down on his lap. "Why do your parents hate me? Is it because of my job? Do they think I don't make enough?"

The woman shakes her head. "It's not that."

"Then what is it?" The man presses.

The woman shrugs. "They just have a bad feeling about you, I guess."

The man scoffs. "They don't even know me that well. We've been together for two years and they refuse to meet up with me after our first encounter."

"Don't worry about it," the woman reassured him, stroking his jet black hair."They've always been like this with the men I've dated in the past."

"Did you date bad boys or something?"

The woman laughs. "Well, maybe a few. I remember my dad absolutely loathed the guy I dated with the motorcycle. But that's just dad."

"Well I don't drive a motorcycle. But I wish that was enough for your parents."

"I hope your mother likes me."

The man looks at the woman with confusion. "Of course she likes you. She thinks of you as her daughter already."

The woman beams. "Does she really?"

The man nods. "Absolutely."

"How is your mother doing? Health wise."

"She's doing okay right now. She sees her doctor accordingly but she's not really the same ever since her surgery two years ago. She feels weak."

"I thought the heart bypass surgery was a success."

The man nods. "It was. But she has to be extra careful from now on. She had to quit her job since it took a toll on her heart. She's not the same woman she was years ago."

The woman leans up and pecks his cheek softly. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

The man kisses the top of her head. "Thank you. But we can visit her next weekend. I'm free."

The woman smiles. "So am I."

The man takes a sip of his water from the bedside. After he he set his glass back down, he gazes at the woman with pure love.

The woman laughs at his staring. "What is it?"

"I'm just happy to be with you."

The woman smiles and leans in to kiss him but he turns away quickly.

"Can you grab my coat from the rack? I forgot my fountain pen was in the right pocket."

The woman frowns at his dismissal of her kiss. But she gets off the bed anyways.

"Sure." She sourly remarks.

The woman walks over to his coat in the other room and takes it off the rack. "Which pocket?" She calls over.

"The right one!" The man calls back with a playful smile.

After a pause of silence the man walks over to the lady standing in the middle of the hallway holding a red velvet box.

She couldn't stop staring at it, the woman couldn't believe this was actually happening.

"Well," the man says. "Aren't you going to open it?"

The woman looks up at him with a big smile and does so.

A sparkling diamond ring flickered inside the velvet box once it was opened.

"Oh my god," The woman exclaims. "You're joking!" She almost drops the box.

The man laughs and takes the ring out of the box and gets down on one knee.

"I'm not joking. You make me the happiest man alive. There is no one I'd want to spend the rest of my life with except you."

The woman starts tearing up.

The man also starts to tear up a little. "Will you marry me?" He quickly wipes his tears out of sight. "Please?"

The lady nods her head. "I'd be honored to become your wife."

The man smiles and slips the ring onto her finger. He then kisses her and wipes her tears away. "You're the one."

And she laughs at him before jumping into his arms with joy.

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