11|2AM Thoughts

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(Author's Suggestion for reader: Listen to the song Impossible by Clairo if you want to hear the vibes for this chapter🎶)


The woman couldn't fall asleep. All night, she was thinking about her husband...and also her new friend, Tommy.

She rolls over the empty spot on the left side of the bed and checks the time of the alarm clock perched on top of the nightstand. It was exactly 2AM in the morning.

"Crap." The woman mutters as she flopped back down on the mattress. Usually, she would be sleeping by now if her husband was lying right next her. But after their disastrous family vacation, the strained couple have been sleeping in separate rooms for over two weeks.

The man came to the conclusion that in order for them to regain a peaceful night of sleep without their constant arguments and for the sake of their daughter from waking up from their fights; they needed to sleep separately for a while.

However, the woman couldn't bear sleeping without her husband. She craved his lips and cuddles. The thought of their marriage possibly ending gave complete fear to the woman. She has been trying so hard to save their vows. By limiting her conversations with the man, giving him space, and even cooking his favorite meals. But the woman felt like she was losing the man no matter what she tried. He was still distant from her.

And that scared her.

Drinking wine was the only thing that gave her comfort through this rough time. And the woman knew drinking heavily was destructive and it might affect her husband and daughter as well, but she needed to block out her constant fears and rushing anxiety. So wine was her new best friend.

The woman removes the red blanket off from her body and finds herself crouching to the floor to reach the bottle of rosé from underneath the bed.

She removes the cork with her teeth and spits it out on the floor.

After wiping her tear streaked face, she takes a big gulp from the bottle.

I don't want to lose him, I don't want to lose him, please Lord let me keep my husband. She chants inside her head. She takes another chug of the rosé, and then another chug after that. And then another.


After her tenth sip, the woman slips inside her private bathroom with her flip phone in hand.

Without thinking, she dials Tommy's number and giggles to herself as she sits herself sloppily into the bathtub.

"Hello?" Tommy answers into the phone after the second ring.

"Heyyyyyy, Tommyyyyy boyyyyy." The woman greets with a big smile on her face. She turns the bath faucet on.

"Are you taking a shower?" Tommy laughs.

"What? No, I'm taking a bath misterrrr."

"Are you drunk?"

The woman's silky nightgown begins to soak from the water seeping around her. "No, I'm only tipsy. I am not drunk at all."

Tommy chuckles. "I think you're lying to me."

The woman smiles at the sound of his laughter. He sounded like an angel.

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