10|Family Vacation

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"You need to take a left at the traffic lights up there."

"But the GPS says we need to take a right turn."

"It's left."

The man rolls his eyes at his wife with pure annoyance. "Well you're not one driving for the past ten hours."

The woman takes a sip from her coffee from Starbucks. "I offered to take turns for driving but you refused. So shut up."

The man makes a right turn at the traffic lights. "Because you drive like a maniac in the city."

"Can you guys stop fighting, please?" Julia begs from the back seat. "Barbie is getting a headache!"

The woman turns her head from her seat to face her little daughter. "I'm sorry, sweet pea. We're just very tired, but we'll stop arguing." The lady softly pats Julia's head and turns back around.

"See what you did," the woman whispers to her husband. "You're making Julia upset."

The man grips the steering wheel, making his knuckles turn white. He doesn't look at the woman, he keeps his eyes on the road. "I suggest we don't talk for the next two hours then."

"Fine." The woman snaps.

The family of three decided to take a small family vacation to Florida. The couple have been fighting more than usual, so they thought it would be best to try to escape from the madness.

The man wanted to take a flight to Florida, but the woman insisted they take a road trip since it would be more "fun."

But it hasn't been fun for the past hours of driving.

They continued to bicker back and forth. Arguing where to turn left or right.

I hope I'll survive this trip. The man thinks to himself. His head was full of misery of the thought of being in Florida with his wife. But at least he could spend more time with his daughter since he was always working almost every day and night.


The family finally made it to the hotel they booked for three days.

"Yay!" Julia cries out while jumping out of her booster seat. "We're in Florida! I can't wait to see Princess Jasmine!"

The woman's eyes land on her husband with horror. "You didn't tell her about not going to Disney World?!" She says quietly, making sure Julia doesn't overhear them.

The man begins unloading the luggage from the trunk. "We were supposed to tell her together."

"Oh my god, can you do anything right? I specifically told you to tell her five fucking days ago that you couldn't afford the Disney tickets!"

The man couldn't take these constant arguments any longer. He felt his soul leaving his body. His body starts to shake.

The woman notices and takes a step back from him. She was genuinely scared of what he was going to do or say.

"When I asked you to marry me," the man begins as he slams the luggages on the pavement. "I thought we were going to be happy. I thought I found the love of my life." The man slams more bags on the pavement.

He then looks at his wife's anxious eyes. She looked like a deer at headlights.

"But I didn't find the love of my life," he tells her with no emotion. His dark hazel brown eyes pierced into her soul. "I found a spoiled bitch who loves to whine and complain about every little thing I do! I have married Satan, for crying out loud! And no, you did not specifically order me to tell our daughter that I couldn't afford fucking Disney World. We agreed we would tell her together last night but you fell asleep early since you drank all of your booze like the alcoholic you suddenly are now."

The woman was too stunned to speak. She couldn't believe her husband finally found the balls to speak his mind.

The man hands the woman her red luggage from the trunk. "So I guess we might as well tell Julia together right now."

Still stunned from her husband's speech, the woman just nods and takes the luggage out of his hand.


After they put all of their luggage away inside their hotel room, the couple finally sat Julia down to talk about Disney World.

"We're not going?" Julia questions as small tears start to roll down her cheeks.

The man scoops his daughter up into his arms and kisses the top of her head. "I'm so sorry, Jules. I knew how badly you wanted to go. I just can't afford the tickets right now...there's always the beach though! Florida has tons of beaches."

Julia begins to cry harder into her father's neck as she held him tight. "But I want to meet Princess Jasmine! I even brought my Disney notebook so I could ask for her autograph."

The woman walks over to them and starts stroking her daughter's curly brown hair. "And you will see Princess Jasmine. Just not right now, sweetheart. You'll just have to be patient but I promise you we will go to Disney World someday."

Julia wipes her salty tears and looks up at her parents. "Promise?"

The man smiles at his little girl while he still held her in his arms. "We promise."


The man watches his wife and daughter making sand castles from afar as he sat in his beach chair. Julia was laughing and having fun, and the man smiles at that. Julia's happiness was too important for him. The man felt so relieved that she wasn't sad anymore after breaking the Disney World news to her.

Suddenly, his Nokia starts to ring inside of his pocket.

He slips his hand inside his pocket and grabs his cell to see who was calling him.

The man looks at the caller ID and smiles with complete joy. It was Claudia.

"Hey you," the man answers his phone. "What's up?"

"I don't think we should be hanging out anymore." Claudia says.

The man's heart drops. "What? Why?"

Claudia sighs through the phone. "Look, I've enjoyed spending time with you over the past few years but I think we should just move on now. You're married and you have a daughter—I just can't do this anymore I'm so sorry."

Before the man could respond Claudia hangs up.

He drops his phone and it hits into the Florida sand.

His mind races.
I don't want to lose her. What the hell am I going to do?

Giving up, he starts to cry quietly behind his pitch black sunglasses.

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